mayssabenfredj / nestJs_authentification

Nest api for authentification

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Authentication Module Documentation


The Authentication Module is responsible for handling user authentication, account activation, Google authentication, and password-related functionalities in a NestJS application.

Nest Logo


$ npm install

Prisma ORM Integration

The Authentication Module leverages Prisma as its Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for seamless database interactions. Ensure you have Prisma properly configured in your NestJS application.

  • npx prisma generate : This command generates TypeScript typings based on your Prisma Schema, making it easier to interact with the database in your NestJS application.
  • npx prisma migrate dev --name init : This command creates a new migration with the name init and applies it to the database. Ensure that you run this command whenever there are changes to your database schema.
  • npx prisma studio : Prisma Studio will open in your default web browser, providing a visual representation of your database tables and relationships.

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Endpoints


  • nodemailer / @nestjs-modules/mailer: Provides mail sending capabilities for sending activation and password reset emails.
  • @nestjs/jwt: Handles JSON Web Token (JWT) creation and verification for user authentication.
  • @nestjs/passport: Passport module for authentication in NestJS applications.
  • bcrypt: Library for hashing passwords securely.
  • prisma / @prisma/client: Prisma client for database interaction.
  • passport-google-oauth20: Google OAuth2.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
  • cookie-parser: Middleware for parsing cookies in Express.
  • class-validator: Validation library for TypeScript and JavaScript.
  • class-transformer: Library for transforming plain to class instances and vice versa.
  • uuid: Library for generating UUIDs.



Endpoint: POST /auth/signup

Description: Creates a new user account. Checks if the user already exists, hashes the password, generates an activation token, and sends an activation email.


  "email": "",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "password": "securePassword"


    "message": "User created. Activation email sent."

Activate Account

Endpoint: POST /auth/activate/:token

Description: Activates a user account using the activation token sent via email. Handles token expiration and invalid token scenarios.


   "message": "Account activated successfully."


Send Back Mail Confirmation

Endpoint: POST /auth/sendBackMailConfirmation

Description: Re-sends the activation email to the user for account confirmation.


  "email": ""


  "message": "Activation email sent successfully."

Sign In

Endpoint: POST /auth/signin

Description: Handles user login. Validates credentials, checks account activation status, and returns a JWT token.


  "email": "",
  "password": "securePassword"



  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..."

Get User

Endpoint: POST /auth/user

Description: Verifies the JWT token and returns user information if authenticated.


  "message": "Hello Mayssa, you are logged in."

Sign Out

Endpoint: POST /auth/signout

Description: Clears the authentication token and logs the user out.


  "message": "Logged out successfully."

Forgot Password

Endpoint: POST /auth/forgotPassword

Description: Sends a reset password email to the user.


  "email": ""


  "message": "Mail sent successfully."

Reset Password

Endpoint: POST /auth/resetPassword/:token

Description: Resets the user's password using the provided token.


  "password": "newSecurePassword"


  "message": "Your password has been reset successfully."


Nest api for authentification


Language:TypeScript 96.4%Language:JavaScript 3.6%