mayneyao / eidos-store

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Eidos Store

Welcome to the Eidos Store, a centralized repository for Eidos scripts and extensions.

Creating an Eidos Script

To create your own Eidos script, please follow the template provided at Eidos Script Template. This template will guide you through the process of creating a script

Submitting Your Script to the Eidos Store

Once you have developed your script, you can submit it to the Eidos Store for others to use. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add your script's information to the scripts.json file in the following format:
  "id": "<Id of the Script>",
  "name": "<Name of the Script>",
  "description": "<Brief Description of the Script>",
  "author": "<Your Name>",
  "version": "<Version of the Script>",
  "repo": "<Your GitHub Username>/<Repository Name>"
  1. Submit a pull request. Once your pull request is reviewed and approved, your script will be available in the Eidos Store.
