mayankdutta / FlightsAndSearchService

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API Documentation

This documentation provides details about the routes and endpoints exposed by the index.js file located in the route/v1 directory.

Table of Contents

City Routes

Create a City

Endpoint: POST /city

Creates a new city.

Create Multiple Cities

Endpoint: POST /cities

Creates multiple cities in a single request.

Delete a City

Endpoint: DELETE /city/:id

Deletes a city by its ID.

Get a City by ID

Endpoint: GET /city/:id

Retrieves a city's information by its ID.

Get Airports of a City

Endpoint: GET /cityAirports/:name

Retrieves the airports associated with a city by its name.

Update a City

Endpoint: PATCH /city/:id

Updates a city's information by its ID.

Get All Cities

Endpoint: GET /city

Retrieves a list of all cities.

Flight Routes

Create a Flight

Endpoint: POST /flights

Creates a new flight.

Request Headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:

  "origin": "string",
  "destination": "string",
  "departureTime": "string (ISO8601 format)",
  "arrivalTime": "string (ISO8601 format)"

Get All Flights

Endpoint: GET /flights

Retrieves a list of all flights.

Get a Flight by ID

Endpoint: GET /flights/:flightId

Retrieves a flight's information by its ID.

Update a Flight

Endpoint: PATCH /flights/:flightId

Updates a flight's information by its ID.

Airport Routes

Create an Airport

Endpoint: POST /airports

Creates a new airport.

Request Headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:

  "name": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "code": "string"

Please note that this documentation assumes the use of a RESTful API convention. The routes and endpoints are based on the code provided in the index.js file. Make sure to replace placeholders like :id and :flightId with actual values when making requests. Additionally, ensure that you have implemented the required controller functions and middlewares as indicated in the code.



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