maxwu / cistat

☃ Python lib to fetch CI statistics from Travis, CircleCI, Jenkins, or Bamboo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Python lib to fetch CI statistics from common RESTful services as circleci, travis, jekins, or bamboo.

  • Master: Build Status codecov CircleCI
  • Dev: Build Status codecov CircleCI
  • Jenkins: Build Status
  • Code Climate Code Issues Run Status
  • License: MIT Analytics


This Python lib is derived from personal project circleci_stat on Github. After moving to this lib, the original circleci_stat will be in just maintenance status and the results could be a test source to cistat.

The original idea is inspired by a fast ont-time script to count high runners of internal CI test from Bamboo achieved files. At that time, our project was a Python app and the artifacts were in XUnit common format to enable Jenkins plugins. With the fast prototype we can also compare the failure rate between Jenkins test statistics and Bamboo data. This was due to the unstable external dependencies of this project. The prototype was fast and working well. Based on the statistic hints, we can put more efforts on the high runners to mitigate the interrupt to developerment and test team and reduce the DevOps diagnose time. By the way, a similar tool Bamboo_XUnit_Reader could be found on Github.

So far only XUnit format artifacts are implemented. In the future, more measurement as "CodeQuality" cloud service, Lint score, Coverage history charts will be considered. By the way, for a comparison between CircleCI, Travis-CI and Jenkins, readers could refer to this article


Install cistat Pypi dist with dev branch latest code from Github:

pip install
# or
pip install git+

Install cistat from master (release) branch on Github:

pip install
# or
pip install git+


Precedence Order of Settings

For configuration items, cistat will take parameters in a predefined precedence that the closer to running context, the higher priority which configuration record can have.

If there are items provided by calling context, e.g. in arguments list, they are taken directly and precedes.

Otherwise, cistat will check if it exists in environment variables. Which it inherited from process creation and environment could be customized per process for various user scenarios.

At last, cistat will seek parameters from configuration file ~/.cistat/config.yaml.

When all above approaches miss, cistat will utilize the default settings for all occasions.

Config File

Configuration records are generally maintained in $HOME/.cistat/config.yaml v0.91 preview has on key to fill: circleci_api_token: $YOUR_CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN

Disk cache for CI data fetch is by default enabled and located to $HOME/.cistat/cache. The flag as well as disk size limit, renew policy, update period will be merged to the configuration file soon. So far the cache is configured as:

cache_expire = 3600*24*14  # 2wk
cache_size = 2**25         # 32MB

Cli entry point to initialize and alter configuration items is not present by v0.91. Users have to create it manually or wrap parameters to environmental variables. There is no global configuration file besides the above one under $HOME. One possible but not recommended way is to add a config.yaml to parent folder of package path of "cistat". This file will supercede those under $HOME/.cistat.

Reminder: If your project is on remote repository as Github or BitBucket, please be kindly reminded to add this file to .gitignore and do not expose it accidentally.


Get latest 20 artifacts from circle CI service:

vcs, project, username = 'github', 'cistat', 'maxwu'
urls = CircleCiReq.get_recent_artifacts(vcs=vcs, project=project, username=username)

# XUnit Report Object supports operator '+' and '+='
report = Xunitrpt()
for artifact in urls:
    print("fetching {}".format(artifact))
    report += Xunitrpt(xunit=CircleCiReq.get_artifact_report(url=artifact))

Extract top 10 failure test cases and the statistics:

import pprint
print("Top 10 failure cases:")

Plot the statistic charts:

Pie Chart

report.get_class_rpt().plot_piechart_casenum(project, "Case Num per Class")

The Pie Chart for case numbers per class level is:

Pie Chart on Case Number per Class

Link to original sized Pie Chart

Bar Chart

report.plot_barchart_rate(project, "Pass Rate per case")

The Bar Chart of Pass Rate for cistat project is:

Bar Chart on Pass Rate

Link to original sized Bar Chart

Bubble Chart

The ROI chart is more considerable for nightly build result analysis in a testing project within XUnit test framework to control the resources as case, docker/cpu, feature integration.

In the sample height of bubble represents the pass rate and the size of bubble shows the test efforts (Currently it is simply the case number; It will be updated to a formula on test time and case number). The lower the bubble positions, the bigger it shall grow to get more resource and invest to float up to 1.0 the stable status.

report.get_class_rpt().plot_scatter_roi(project, "Test ROI per Class")

The Bubble Chart to present case ROI per class as below:

Bubble Chart on Test ROI

Link to original sized Bubble Chart


Quick step to run above sample: cistat-cli. Since has throttling limit on RESTful API, it is recommended to configure an API-Key in environmental variable or local config.yaml.

This console command is installed with Pypi dist. cistat-cli is the console entry point planted by PIP installer

>cistat-cli -h
    cistat --sample
    cistat (-h | --help)
    cistat (-v | --version)

    -h --help       Show this help message
    -v --version    Print cistat version
    --sample        Show sample statistic charts

Fetching statistic from cloud or on premise CI function is ready within Python package. CLI shall add this as well in next release.

Fetching cloud or on premise CI result on latest commit will be added next release.


Run, or nosetests execution under ./test folder. Cloud based UT on Travis and Circle.


Configuration item preference order is:

Cli Options >> Environment Variables >> Local Config.yaml 

Configuration items:

  • circleci_api_token: The 40 token characters to avoid throttling.

To test string length with shell, printf $STR | wc -c

Work Notes

The target is to deliver a lib which could fetch CI test results from widely used CI services as TravisCI, CircelCI, on-premise Jenkins and finally can define customized scheme for any XUnit artifacts. This lib offers statistics functions on these artifacts.

The Development Plan

  • Therefore, the development work started from CircleCI first.
  • After that, cache will be introduced and verify the regression.
  • Then a refactor step here will generate models for further using.
  • The 4th step I plan to turn back to add statistic functions since cache is ready.
  • At last, expand other services as Travis and Jenkins with regression supports.
  • Consider to customize scheme as an option on demand.

Progress Status

CircleCI functions developed and tested.

  • CircleCI Request interface is too tedious;
  • Disk Cache for RESTful request;
  • Support time stat
  • Echarts introduction and bar chart demo
  • Add bubble chart of test ROI presentation
  • Threading on requests with map
    (Low priority since cache speeds up queries)
  • Support operator.add
  • Support operator get/set/iteritems/keys
  • Add Github vcs PyPi supports
  • Enhance logging
  • Add class level statistic aggregation
  • Add aggregation for any level
  • Replace Xunit module counters with a customized counter class on collections.Counter
  • Refactor to expand logging to stream/file_handler
  • Push to
  • Make Requests as plugins to extend with new py codes
  • Migrate to full/closer HATEOAS RESTful
    HATEOAS guarantee backend the freedom of evolution but starts from endpoint(s) and deduce the following hyperlinks to trigger state transitions on resources
  • Add Cli commands for cache stat and cache purge
  • If server side is github and status code is 403, remind user if token is present.
  • Provide a default Jinja2 template report for out-of-box using
  • Refine the package folder structure.
  • Add to key to distinguish cache records.

Reserved after v1.0

  • Cli git repo CI status show
  • Support iTerm2 imgcat
  • Support to add status show in shell prompt (as powerline plugin)

Horizontal Stories

Cloud CI Services:

  • circle (done);
  • travis;

On-Premise CI Services:

Local CI files:

  • Load XUnit format files to generate the statistics.

Vertical Stories


  • Artifacts fetching (done)
  • Transparent config (in-progress)
  • Cache (done, with apache disk-map)
  • Concurrent (in-progress, multiprocessing.dummy with map)

XUnit Artifacts:

  • Parser (done)
  • Counter, counter and ratio types (done)
  • Chart and demo (done)


  • High runners in table
  • Generate reports with Jinja2 template


  • JUnit with Cucumber-JVM generated XUnit file but the format is weird on parameterized cases.

    Action: pending, will get back to Cucumber-JVM after releasing v1.0;

    <testcase classname="| 65535 | 117995 |" name="| 65535 | 117995 |" time="0.038">
      <failure message="expected:&lt;[117995]&gt; but was:&lt;[32]&gt;" type="org.junit.ComparisonFailure">org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:&lt;[117995]&gt; but was:&lt;[32]&gt;
      at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
      at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
      at org.maxwu.jrefresh.selenium.stepdefs.TemperatureConverterCalStepdef.check_fahrenheit_degree(
      at ✽.Then Check the value against &quot;117995&quot;(10_Convert_Celsius_To_Fahrenheit.feature:21)

Change Logs

  • May 11, Release 0.91 preview in Pypi format via Github
  • (Paused during busy weeks)
  • Feb 12, Move to ci-stat and migrate to a more general target.
  • Feb 09, Add UT and removed casual codes/doctest/ut.
  • Jan 20, The prototype with IPython Notebook finished.


☃ Python lib to fetch CI statistics from Travis, CircleCI, Jenkins, or Bamboo

License:MIT License


Language:Python 96.3%Language:Shell 3.7%