maxverbeek / webengineering2019

Web Engineer repo for the music project 2019

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Engineering 2019

This repository contains our code for the music API for web engineering 2019.


./server -h # help
./server    # listen on port 8080 (default)
./seeddb    # todo, but seed database later when we have one

Structural organisation

Much like most go projects, this one has a cmd directory that contains all of the application entry points. The most commonly used one will be cmd/server which is the one that will start the server. The code for the server itself is contained in api. At some point documentation will end up in the doc directory.

Currently this projects contains a single package (which might also change) that is the main package. In the main function in cmd/server we limit ourselves to some flag parsing, and immediately go into the run() function from api/server.go. This is because main cannot return an error, but run() can (which main will then format and print).

Throughout the code you will find structs, such as the Config struct and the server struct. These are the way they are in the interest of reducing global variables.

The server struct holds global resources, such as database connections. This struct is accessible by every route handler function.


In spite of Golang's generous standard library, we outsourced the routing to gorilla mux. This decision was made because Go's router from the standard library does not filter by request method very nicely, while this one does.

The routes can be found, as you may have guessed, in routes.go. This gives a nice overview of all the API endpoints which is convenient for debugging (and grading). Each route has an associated HandlerFunc, which are created by functions in the server struct. We do this so that every HandlerFunc has its own closure environment, and thereby void global variables.

API doc

GET /api/songs -- returns a list of all songs.

Query parameters:

You are able to filter the list of songs according to the following parameters:

  • artist_id
  • year
  • genre

In addition to these filters, you are able to paginate the response using the following parameters:

  • limit
  • page

You are also able to sort the response using the sort query parameter. This can be used to sort in hotttnesss, which in combination with limit can yield a top 50 list.

Example query:

GET /api/songs?year=2010&sort=hotttnesss&limit=3


Response code: 200 OK

    "content": [
            "song": { song1 },
            "links": []
            "id": "SO12456",
            "name": "Never gonna give you up",
            "links": [ { "self": "/api/songs/SO12456" } ]
        { song3 },

    "links": {
        "self": "/api/songs?year=2010&sort=hotttnesss&limit=3",
        "next_page": "/api/songs?year=2010&sort=hotttnesss&limit=3&page=2",
        "last_page": "/api/songs?year=2010&sort=hotttnesss&limit=3&page=6",

GET /api/songs/{id}

Query parameters: none

Returns all information about a particular song.

Example query:

GET /api/songs/SO12456


Response code: 200 OK

    "song_id": "SO12456",
    "title": "Never gonna give you up",
    "artist_id": "AR1CKASTL3Y",
    "release_id": "213918492",
    "length": "212",
    "artist": {
    "links" [
        "self": "/api/songs/SO12456",
        "artist": "/api/artists/AR1CKASTL3Y",

Questions to Sofie

  1. Which way are we supposed to represent pieces of data in the paginated responses? (song1, 2, or 3)

  2. How are we supposed to include links in the single data response e.g. /api/songs/SO12456. Options are { "id": "some id", "name": "some name", "links": [ .. ] } or { "data": { "id": "some_id", "name": "some name" }, "links": [ .. ] }.


Web Engineer repo for the music project 2019


Language:Go 55.9%Language:JavaScript 19.8%Language:HTML 14.5%Language:Shell 6.2%Language:CSS 3.1%Language:Makefile 0.5%