maxspl / json2splunk

Json to Splunk ingestor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


json2splunk is a Python script designed to process and ingest JSON formatted log files into Splunk. This script leverages multiprocessing to efficiently handle multiple files and integrates with Splunk's HTTP Event Collector (HEC) to push data.


  • CSV files: Supports also csv files.
  • Multiprocessing Support: Utilizes multiple CPUs to process files concurrently with mpire lib (
  • Flexible File Matching: Configurable file matching rules based on file name/path patterns and path suffixes, allowing selective processing of files.
  • Splunk Integration: Automates the creation of Splunk indices and HEC tokens, ensuring that data is ingested smoothly and efficiently into Splunk.
  • Test Mode: Allows running the script in a test configuration where no data is actually sent to Splunk, useful for debugging and validation.


  • Run only on Linux host
  • Python 3.7 or newer
  • External libraries: argparse, json, logging, os, re, time, datetime, functools, multiprocessing, pathlib, polars, yaml, mpire, splunk_http_event_collector
  • splunk_http_event_collector modified to remove multithreading as json2splunk is already using multiprocessing


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd json2splunk
  2. Install required Python libraries:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure Splunk Settings: Update splunk_configuration.yml with your Splunk instance details:

      host: {splunk_FQDN_or_IP}
      user: {splunk_user}
      password: {splunk_password}
      port: {splunk_port} # Default is 8000
      mport: {splunk_mport} # Default is 8089
      ssl: {splunk_enable_ssl} # Default is False
  4. Set File Matching Rules: Edit indexer_patterns.yml to define the patterns for the files you want to ingest:

      name_rex: # regex matching the file name (optional if path_suffix is set). Regex applied on FILE PATH
      path_suffix: # suffix path to files to index (optional if path_suffix is set). Match ending path. Ex: If "path_suffix: evtx" will match of files ending wih .jsonl under <whatever is the path>/evtx/
      sourcetype: # Splunk sourcetype (optional)
      timestamp_path: # path to the json key containing the event timestamp. Populates Splunk _time field. Ex: "Event.System.TimeCreated.#attributes.SystemTime"  (optional)
      timestamp_format: # format of the timestamp extracted. Ex: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" (optional)
      host_path: # path to the json key containing the event host. Populates Splunk host field. Ex: Event.System.Computer (optional)
      host_rex: # regex to extract the hostname for the filename or the file path. Populates Splunk host field. (optional)


Run the script with the required parameters. Example usage:

python --input /path/to/logs --index my_index
python --input /path/to/logs --index my_index --config_spl /opt/json2splunk/splunk_configuration.yml --indexer_patterns /opt/json2splunk/indexer_patterns.yml
python --input /path/to/logs --index my_index --nb_cpu 4


  • --input: Mandatory. Directory containing the log files to process.
  • --index: Mandatory. The name of the Splunk index to use.
  • --nb_cpu: Optional. Specifies the number of CPUs to use for processing. Defaults to the number of available CPUs.
  • --test: Optional. Enables test mode where no data is sent to Splunk. Useful for debugging.
  • --config_spl: Optional. Specifies the path to the Splunk configuration file. Defaults to splunk_configuration.yml.
  • --indexer_patterns: Optional. Specifies the path to the file patterns configuration. Defaults to indexer_patterns.yml.

Test Mode

Test mode is designed to validate the setup without pushing data to Splunk. It simulates the entire process, from file scanning to data preparation, without making any actual data transmissions to Splunk.

This mode also generates a dataframe (named test_files_to_index.json) containing matched files and patterns, which can be reviewed to ensure correct file handling before live deployment.

For example, the dataframe can be used to review the patterns matched by each file:

    "file_path": "input_sample/prefetch/SRV-DA09DKL--prefetch-AA4646DB4646A841_2000000016FC0_D000000018CE8_4_TABBY.EXE-D326E1BD.pf_{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.data.jsonl",
    "file_name": "SRV-DA09DKL--prefetch-AA4646DB4646A841_2000000016FC0_D000000018CE8_4_TABBY.EXE-D326E1BD.pf_{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.data.jsonl",
    "artifact_name": [
    "sourcetype": "_json",
    "timestamp_path": "",
    "timestamp_format": "",
    "host": "SRV-DA09DKL",
    "host_path": null
    "file_path": "input_sample/evtx/SRV-DA09DKL--evtx-AA4646DB4646A841_10000000014B3_E0000000249F8_4_Microsoft-Windows-StorageSettings%4Diagnostic.evtx_{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.data.jsonl",
    "file_name": "SRV-DA09DKL--evtx-AA4646DB4646A841_10000000014B3_E0000000249F8_4_Microsoft-Windows-StorageSettings%4Diagnostic.evtx_{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.data.jsonl",
    "artifact_name": [
    "sourcetype": "_json",
    "timestamp_path": "Event.System.TimeCreated.#attributes.SystemTime",
    "timestamp_format": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ",
    "host": "Unknown", // Normal as host_path is extracted after the dataframe creation
    "host_path": "Event.System.Computer"


Directory Structure Example

Let's ingest these files:

├── output
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── error
│   │   │   └── app_error.jsonl
│   │   ├── info
│   │   │   └── app_info.jsonl
│   │   └── debug
│   │       └── app_debug.jsonl
├── prefech
│   ├── HOST-A--prefetch1.jsonl
│   ├── HOST-A--prefetch2.jsonl
│   └── HOST-A--prefetch3.jsonl
└── evtx
    ├── event1.jsonl
    ├── event2.jsonl
    └── event3.jsonl

Patterns Configuration (indexer_patterns.yml)

This YAML file is crucial for specifying which files should process. You can define multiple criteria based on file name (or file path) regex patterns and path suffixes: Each entry specifies a unique pattern to match certain files with specific processing rules for Splunk ingestion.

Warning: Fields required: sourcetype, one of: name_rex, path_suffix Warning: If a file matches several artifacts, the first one is selected.

    name_rex: \.jsonl$
    path_suffix: evtx
    sourcetype: _json
    host_path: "Event.System.Computer" # Extract the host from the event
    timestamp_path: "Event.System.TimeCreated.#attributes.SystemTime" # Extract the timestamp from the event
    timestamp_format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" # Specify the timestamp format
    name_rex: \.jsonl$
    path_suffix: prefetch
    sourcetype: _json
    host_rex: (^[\w-]+)-- # Extract the host from the filename
    timestamp_path: LastRun # Extract the timestamp from the event
    timestamp_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # Specify the timestamp format
    path_suffix: output/app
    sourcetype: _json
    host_rex: (^[\w-]+)--
    name_rex: \.csv$
    path_suffix: hives
    sourcetype: _json
    host_rex: (^[\w-]+)--

Run the script

python --input /input_sample --index my_index


Json to Splunk ingestor

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%