maxrodrigo / tmux-nordvpn

Monitor NordVPN connection status from Tmux.

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NordVPN Tmux Plugin

Monitor NordVPN connection status from Tmux.


Table of Contents


tmux-nordvpn demo

Getting Started


Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'maxrodrigo/tmux-nordvpn'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it.

If format strings are added to status-right, they should now be visible.

Manual Installation

Clone the repository:

git clone ~/.tmux/tmux-nordvpn

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/.tmux/tmux-nordvpn/nordvpn.tmux

Reload Tmux environment:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

If format strings are added to status-right, they should now be visible.


The plugin relays on the NordVPN native application to pull the current status. The command line tool is required.

NordVPN setup tutorials:


Add any of the supported format strings to status-right or status-left.

set -g status-right 'NordVPN: #{nordvpn_status_color}#{nordvpn_status} (#{nordvpn_country})'

Supported Format Strings

  • #{nordvpn_status} - connection status.
  • #{nordvpn_server} - current server.
  • #{nordvpn_country} - current connection country.
  • #{nordvpn_city} - current connection city.
  • #{nordvpn_ip} - current connection IP address.
  • #{nordvpn_status_color} - change foreground and background color based on the VPN status.


Here are all available options with their default values.

@nordvpn_exclude_server_domain true # remove "" from the server name.

@nordvpn_connected_text "Connected" # text to display when connected
@nordvpn_connecting_text "Connecting" # text to display when connecting
@nordvpn_disconnected_text "Disconnected" # text to display when disconnected

@nordvpn_connected_fg_color "green" # foreground color when connected.
@nordvpn_connecting_fg_color "yellow" # foreground color when connecting.
@nordvpn_disconnected_fg_color "red" # foreground color when disconnected.

@nordvpn_connected_bg_color "" # background color when connected.
@nordvpn_connecting_bg_color "" # background color when connecting.
@nordvpn_disconnected_bg_color "" # background color when disconnected.


# .tmux.conf
set -g @nordvpn_connected_text "c"
set -g @nordvpn_connecting_text ""
set -g @nordvpn_disconnected_text "d"

set -g status-left "#[fg=blue]vpn: #{nordvpn_status_color}#{nordvpn_status} #[fg=cyan]#{nordvpn_server}"
# .tmux.conf
set -g @nordvpn_connected_text "Connected to"
set -g @nordvpn_connecting_text "Connecting to"

set -g status-left "NordVPN #{nordvpn_status_color}#{nordvpn_status} #{nordvpn_city}, #{nordvpn_country} [#{nordvpn_ip}]"

Status Update Interval

Status update won't be instant. The duration depends on the status-interval Tmux option. You can set status-interval to a low number to make the refresh faster.

set -g status-interval 5


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at