maxrobot / validation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clique Block Verification

This repo allows you to set up a "Clique" proof of authority Ethereum blockchain with two separate peers who both engage in the sealing of blocks. The instructions are based on the tutorial of Salanfe but has the more complicated parts already initialised.

Once the network has been launched the tests validate that the blocks have been signed by a known validator.

Launch the Network

In order to run the network first install an instance of geth the directory structure and accounts have been set up a priori. Hence all that is required to launch the network is to follow these instructions:

Initialise Nodes

$ geth --datadir node1/ init genesis.json
$ geth --datadir node2/ init genesis.json

Launch the Bootnode

The boot node tells the peers how to connect with each other. In another terminal instance run:

$ bootnode -nodekey boot.key -verbosity 9 -addr :30310
$ INFO [06-07|12:16:21] UDP listener up                          self=enode://dcb1dbf8d710eb7d10e0e2db1e6d3370c4b048efe47c7a85c4b537b60b5c11832ef25f026915b803e928c1d93f01b853131e412c6308c4c6141d1504c78823c8@[::]:30310

As the peers communicate this terminal should fill with logs.

Start and Attach to the Nodes

Each node must be launch, either as a background operation or on separate terminal instances. For node 1:

$ geth --datadir node1/ --syncmode 'full' --port 30311 --rpc --rpcaddr 'localhost' --rpcport 8501 --bootnodes 'enode://dcb1dbf8d710eb7d10e0e2db1e6d3370c4b048efe47c7a85c4b537b60b5c11832ef25f026915b803e928c1d93f01b853131e412c6308c4c6141d1504c78823c8@' --networkid 1515 --gasprice '1' -unlock '0x2be5ab0e43b6dc2908d5321cf318f35b80d0c10d' --password node1/password.txt --mine

then attach,

$ geth attach node1/geth.ipc

node 2:

$ geth --datadir node2/ --syncmode 'full' --port 30312 --rpc --rpcaddr 'localhost' --rpcport 8502 --bootnodes 'enode://dcb1dbf8d710eb7d10e0e2db1e6d3370c4b048efe47c7a85c4b537b60b5c11832ef25f026915b803e928c1d93f01b853131e412c6308c4c6141d1504c78823c8@' --networkid 1515 --gasprice '0' -unlock '0x8671e5e08d74f338ee1c462340842346d797afd3' --password node2/password.txt --mine

again attach,

$ geth attach node2/geth.ipc

Notice that IPC has been used to attach to the nodes, this allows the clique module to be used.


After launching the network:

$ npm install
$ truffle test



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