maxpoletaev / python-langpack

Key-based translation framework for gettext haters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LangPack — key-based localization (translation) framework for Python applications. Out of the box supports Django and storing translations in YAML files ;)

Quick Start for Django

Add LangPack into your INSTALLED_APPS and configure file loaders. Note you should be install pyyaml package before using YAML for translations.


    ('langpack.loaders.YamlLoader', ['yaml', 'yml']),

Create your first translation file project/locales/mainpage.yaml with the following content:

    welcome_back: "Welcome back, {name}!"

And use it in your template file:

{% load trans from langpack %}
<h1>{% trans "mainpage.welcome" name=request.user.first_name %}</h1>

You can also use translations in python files:

from langpack.contrib.django import trans_lazy
from django.shortcuts import render

def welcome_page(request):
    text = trans_lazy('mainpage.welcome_back', name=request.user.first_name)
    return render('mainpage.html', {'welcome_text': text})

LangPack is fully integrated with Django localization system. All tools, such as LocaleMiddleware or i18n_patterns works without problems. We just take current locale form builtin Django method get_language().


Key-based translation framework for gettext haters


Language:Python 100.0%