maxonflutter / eCommerce-UI-with-Flutter-Augmented-Reality-ARKit

An example of an AR-enabled eCommerce app with Flutter and ARKit

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eCommerce UI with Flutter Augmented Reality (ARKit)

This Flutter project combines an elegant eCommerce user interface with augmented reality (AR) functionality using ARKit. The integration of AR brings a new dimension to the user experience by allowing customers to visualize products in their real-world environment.


  • Flutter UI: A sleek and intuitive user interface for browsing products.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): Integration of ARKit for iOS devices to display 3D models of products in real-world environments.
  • Product Visualization: Users can tap on products to view them in AR, providing a more immersive shopping experience.

Video Tutorial:

Watch a video tutorial demonstrating the features and usage of this application: YouTube Tutorial


AR with Flutter

Project Structure:

  • lib/screens/home_screen.dart: Contains the home screen UI with a list of products.
  • lib/screens/product_with_augmented_reality_screen.dart: Displays individual product details along with AR integration.
  • lib/models/product.dart: Defines the product model including attributes like name, price, image, and 3D model path.
  • assets/: Directory containing product images and 3D model files.

How to Use:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have Flutter installed and set up on your development environment.
  3. Run flutter pub get to install dependencies.
  4. Connect an iOS device for testing (ARKit only supports iOS).
  5. Run the app using flutter run and explore the eCommerce UI and AR features.


  • flutter_staggered_grid_view: For creating a staggered grid view layout in the UI.
  • vector_math: Provides vector math functionality required for AR operations.
  • arkit_plugin: Integration of ARKit for AR functionality in Flutter apps.
  • collection: Provides additional functionalities for collections like firstWhereOrNull.


  • ARKit functionality is available only on iOS devices. Make sure to test on an iOS device for the best experience.
  • Ensure that your iOS device supports ARKit and has the necessary permissions granted for AR functionality.


This project is developed by maxonflutter. Feel free to contribute, provide feedback, or suggest improvements via GitHub.

For any inquiries, reach out to me.

Happy Shopping with Augmented Reality! 🛍️📱


An example of an AR-enabled eCommerce app with Flutter and ARKit


Language:Dart 87.9%Language:Ruby 8.3%Language:Swift 2.6%Language:Kotlin 0.9%Language:Objective-C 0.2%