maxkeppeler / Places

Places was created to help people to spot the most unique places on our earth.

Repository from Github https://github.commaxkeppeler/PlacesRepository from Github https://github.commaxkeppeler/Places

Places (Places on our Earth)

Places was created to help people to spot the most unique places on our earth. You will be surprised what kind of places exist. Bookmark your personal most interesting places - and swear yourself to visit them in your life time.

Places sets in addition focus on the nature. You receive information about the last disasters, but also the sadly to rare good acts from humanity towards conservation.

The most active environmental activist are honored in this app, check them out and read their motivations.

Open Beta: Google Play opt-in

Current State

The app is far away from being finished. Currently I make a break, because I have to learn for my many exams.

Content of Places

  • Places: (Places, Bookmarked Places)
  • Nature: (Disasters, Good Acts of Humanity)
  • Hall of Honor (People, Websites)


  • Bookmark places
  • Search function for places and boomarked places
  • Filter function for places and bookmarked places - filter after sights or continents
  • Beautiful material inspired design
  • Small app size - Data are loaded from various jsons. (Cloud Based)

Developed by Maximilian Keppeler

Special People


When the app is completely finished, we are going to start translating the app and the json files to the most important languages.



Places was created to help people to spot the most unique places on our earth.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%