maxipago / sdk-fraudControl-ios

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iOS Client SDK Setup

maxiPago's SDK for iOS helps integrate Kount's fraud fighting solution into your iOS app.



Download the maxiPago iOS SDK and unzip the file in a folder separate from your project.

Open up your app in Xcode. In Finder, drag the MaxiPagoDataCollector folder into the top level of your project, and check Copy If Needed. Modify your build settings App Target > Build Settings. Update Header Search Paths:

  • Add $(PROJECT_DIR)/MaxiPagoDataCollector


To set up the data collector, you'll need to set the merchant ID, configuration for location collection, and the maxiPago environment. While testing your integration you'll want to use the Test environment, switching to Production when your app is ready to release.


In your AppDelegate add the initialization code:

#import "KDataCollector.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [[KDataCollector sharedCollector] setMerchantID:<MERCHANT_ID>]; 
  [[KDataCollector sharedCollector] setLocationCollectorConfig:KLocationCollectorConfigRequestPermission];
  // For Test Environment
  [[KDataCollector sharedCollector] setEnvironment:KEnvironmentTest];
  // For Production Environment
  //[[KDataCollector sharedCollector] setEnvironment:KEnvironmentProduction];
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        KDataCollector.shared().merchantID = <MERCHANT_ID>
        KDataCollector.shared().locationCollectorConfig = KLocationCollectorConfig.requestPermission
        // For test Environment
        KDataCollector.shared().environment = KEnvironment.test
        // For Production Environment
        // KDataCollector.shared().environment = KEnvironment.production

Location Permissions

For location collection support you'll need to add this key to your Info.plist file:


If you choose KLocationCollectorConfigRequestPermission the collector will request permission for you if needed. If you choose KLocationCollectorConfigPassive the collector will only gather location information if your app has requested permission and the user has granted it permission.


Early in the checkout process, start the data collection with a unique session ID tied to the transaction, and collect once per unique session ID.

NOTE: Only run collection during the checkout process (and the call should be made early in the collection process). Calling collection outside of the checkout process may result in a high proportion of collection to RIS calls. This may be misinterpreted by our services as a DDOS attack. While this is rare, we highlight this to emphasize the importance that collection only be placed at the beginning of the checkout process.

Below is an example adding the controller to the viewDidAppear method:

#import "KDataCollector.h"

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
  [[KDataCollector sharedCollector] collectForSession:<SESSION_ID> 
                                           completion:^(NSString * _Nonnull sessionID,  
                                                        BOOL success, 
                                                        NSError * _Nullable error) {
    // Add handler code here if desired. The completion block is optional.
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
        KDataCollector.shared().collect(forSession: <SESSION_ID>) { (sessionID, success, error) in
            // Add handler code here if desired. The completion block is optional.


Open Examples.xcworkspace in Xcode to open up the workspace with the following example projects:


A simple example of using the SDK in an Objective C project.


A simple example of using the SDK in a Swift project.

Migrating to version 3.x

The interface and workflow of the SDK has changed between version 2 and version 3. The old version would have you create an instance of the Data Collector, configure it, make a call to collect, and then implement the delegate methods if you wished to receive feedback regarding the collection.

With the new version, the Data Collector is implemented as a singleton and is configured when your app is created. The collect call is now a method on the Data Collector singleton and has an optional callback block you can implement if you wish to get additional information on the collection. Here are the steps to upgrade to version 3.x:

  • Remove the old library and header file from your project and replace it with the new library and header file.
  • Remove the old initialization code and replace it with the new initialization code methods on the DataCollector singleton in your AppDelegate.
  • Remove the old call to collect and corresponding delegate methods and replace it with the collect method on the DataCollector singleton, and optionally implement the completion block.
  • Be certain that the call to collect is made at the beginning of the checkout process.



Language:Objective-C 69.8%Language:Swift 30.2%