maximvl / nohang

A highly configurable OOM preventer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Nohang is a highly configurable daemon for Linux which is able to correctly prevent out of memory (OOM) and keep system responsiveness in low memory conditions.


What is the problem?

OOM conditions may cause freezes, livelocks, drop caches and processes to be killed (via sending SIGKILL) instead of trying to terminate them correctly (via sending SIGTERM or takes other corrective action). Some applications may crash if it's impossible to allocate memory.

Here are the statements of some users:

"How do I prevent Linux from freezing when out of memory? Today I (accidentally) ran some program on my Linux box that quickly used a lot of memory. My system froze, became unresponsive and thus I was unable to kill the offender. How can I prevent this in the future? Can't it at least keep a responsive core or something running?"


"With or without swap it still freezes before the OOM killer gets run automatically. This is really a kernel bug that should be fixed (i.e. run OOM killer earlier, before dropping all disk cache). Unfortunately kernel developers and a lot of other folk fail to see the problem. Common suggestions such as disable/enable swap, buy more RAM, run less processes, set limits etc. do not address the underlying problem that the kernel's low memory handling sucks camel's balls."


Also look at Why are low memory conditions handled so badly? (discussion with 480+ posts on r/linux).


  • Use of earlyoom. This is a simple and lightweight OOM preventer written in C.
  • Use of oomd. This is a userspace OOM killer for linux systems whitten in C++ and developed by Facebook.
  • Use of nohang.

Some features

  • SIGKILL and SIGTERM as signals that can be sent to the victim
  • impact on the badness of processes via matching their names, cmdlines and UIDs with regular expressions
  • possibility of restarting processes via command like systemctl restart something if the process is selected as a victim (or run any other command)
  • GUI notifications:
    • OOM prevention results (displays sended signal and displays PID and name of victim)
    • Low memory warnings (displays available memory and name of fattest process)
  • zram support (mem_used_total as a trigger)
  • PSI support (since Linux 4.20+, using /proc/pressure/memory and some avg10 as a trigger)
  • customizable intensity of monitoring
  • convenient configuration with a well commented config file


For basic usage:

  • Linux 3.14+ (since MemAvailable appeared in /proc/meminfo)
  • Linux 4.20+ if you want to use PSI
  • Python 3.3+ (not tested with previous)

To show GUI notifications:

  • libnotify (Fedora, Arch Linux) or libnotify-bin (Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu)
  • sudo if nohang started with UID=0

Memory and CPU usage

  • VmRSS is 10 — 14 MiB depending on the settings (about 10 MiB by default)
  • CPU usage depends on the level of available memory (the frequency of memory status checks increases as the amount of available memory decreases) and monitoring intensity (can be changed by the user via the config)

Download, install, uninstall

Please use the latest release version. Current version may be more unstable.

$ git clone
$ cd nohang

Run without installing (low memory warnings may not work; note that processes with UID != your UID will not receive signals if nohang is started as a regular user):

$ ./nohang

To install:

$ sudo make install

To enable and start on systems with systemd:

$ sudo make systemd

To uninstall:

$ sudo make uninstall

For Arch Linux, there's an AUR package. Use your favorite AUR helper.

Command line options

./nohang -h
usage: nohang [-h] [-c CONFIG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to the config file, default values:
                        ./nohang.conf, /etc/nohang/nohang.conf

How to configure nohang

The program can be configured by editing the config file. The configuration includes the following sections:

  1. Memory levels to respond to as an OOM threat
  2. The frequency of checking the level of available memory (and CPU usage)
  3. The prevention of killing innocent victims
  4. Impact on the badness of processes via matching their names, cmdlines and UIDs with regular expressions
  5. The execution of a specific command instead of sending the SIGTERM signal
  6. GUI notifications:
    • results of preventing OOM
    • low memory warnings
  7. Preventing the slowing down of the program
  8. Output verbosity

Just read the description of the parameters and edit the values. Please restart nohang to apply changes. Default path to the config after installing is /etc/nohang/nohang.conf.


oom-sort is an additional diagnostic tool that will be installed with nohang package. It sorts the processes in descending order of their oom_score and also displays oom_score_adj, Uid, Pid, Name, VmRSS, VmSwap and optionally cmdline. Run oom-sort --help for more info.


$ oom-sort

Output like follow:

oom_score oom_score_adj   Uid   Pid Name             VmRSS   VmSwap   cmdline
--------- ------------- ----- ----- --------------- -------- -------- -------
      314           300  1000   991 chromium            84 M      0 M /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=868244496792098610,5765419126773948943,131072 --service-pipe-token=14782672631740123203 --lang=ru --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp.TJ91B6F0zB --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --num-raster-threads=1 --service-request-channel-token=14782672631740123203 --renderer-client-id=4 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --shared-files=v8_context_snapshot_data:100,v8_natives_data:101
      307           300  1000  1124 chromium            44 M      0 M /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=868244496792098610,5765419126773948943,131072 --service-pipe-token=10276223625123198448 --lang=ru --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp.TJ91B6F0zB --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --num-raster-threads=1 --service-request-channel-token=10276223625123198448 --renderer-client-id=6 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --shared-files=v8_context_snapshot_data:100,v8_natives_data:101
      217           200  1000   962 chromium            99 M      0 M /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=868244496792098610,5765419126773948943,131072 --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp.TJ91B6F0zB --disable-breakpad --gpu-preferences=KAAAAAAAAACAAABAAQAAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAEAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAA --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp.TJ91B6F0zB --service-request-channel-token=2848128951654484113
      202           200  1000  1032 chromium            16 M      0 M /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --type=-broker
       43             0  1000   736 firefox-esr        251 M      0 M /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
       21             0  1000   914 chromium           124 M      0 M /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --show-component-extension-options --ignore-gpu-blacklist --no-default-browser-check --disable-pings --media-router=0 --enable-remote-extensions --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp.TJ91B6F0zB
       17             0  1000   844 Web Content        103 M      0 M /usr/lib/firefox-esr/plugin-container -greomni /usr/lib/firefox-esr/omni.ja -appomni /usr/lib/firefox-esr/browser/omni.ja -appdir /usr/lib/firefox-esr/browser 736 true tab
       16             0  1000 31555 dolphin             95 M      0 M dolphin
       15             0     0   863 Xorg                92 M      0 M /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
        8             0   110   860 tor                 50 M      0 M /usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc -f /etc/tor/torrc --RunAsDaemon 0
        8             0  1000   918 chromium            48 M      0 M /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --type=zygote --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp.TJ91B6F0zB
        7             0  1000  1106 mate-panel          43 M      0 M mate-panel
        6             0  1000  1157 wnck-applet         35 M      0 M /usr/lib/mate-panel/wnck-applet

Kthreads, zombies and Pid 1 will not be displayed.


Interactive OOM trigger (not implemented)


To view the latest entries in the log (for systemd users):

$ sudo journalctl -eu nohang

See also man journalctl.

Known problems

  • Awful documentation
  • Slowly starting, slowly looking for a victim, especially when using swapspace
  • It is written in an interpreted language and is actually a prototype


Please create issues. Use cases, feature requests and any questions are welcome. See also CoC.


  • In progress

    • Improve modifing badness by matching with RE pattern:
      • Add suppot matching cmdline and UID with regular expressions
      • Fix: replace re.fullmatch() by
      • Validation RE patterns at startup
    • Improve output:
      • Display UID, oom_score, oom_score_adj, VmSize, RssAnon, RssFile, RssShmem and cmdline of the victim in corrective action reports
      • Print in terminal with colors
      • Print statistics on corrective actions after each corrective action
    • Optimize limiting oom_score_adj: now it can works without UID=0
    • Optimize GUI warnings: find env without run ps and env
    • Fix conf parsing: use of line.partition('=') instead of line.split('=')
    • Add PSI support (using /proc/pressure/memory, need Linux 4.20+)
    • Add oom-sort
    • Add oom-trigger
    • Adoption of the code of conduct
    • Redesign of the config
  • v0.1, 2018-11-23

    • 1st release


A highly configurable OOM preventer

License:MIT License


Language:Python 96.8%Language:Makefile 2.4%Language:Roff 0.9%