maximilianoalves / maximilianoalves

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi 👋, I'm Max. 😄

I work with QA focused and automation, but I have passion for development. I’m currently working in Brazil and i have learned a lot about mobile automation and design patterns for software automation. Below you can see some repositories and some strategies for software automation, and bootstrap strutures for your software automation projects.

Last articles.

  1. 9 Dicas para implementar automação de testes para equipes com projetos em andamento.
  2. VADER: Heurística para teste de API na prática.
  3. Testes de acessibilidade, como podemos melhorar?.
  4. Iniciando testes de serviços com HTTParty e RSpec
  5. Testes de schemas de API com Joi
  6. Cross testing com Ruby, Cucumber e Appium


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