maximepolis / JuliaPerturbation

Replication material package for "Perturbating and Estimating DSGE models in Julia" by Salazar-Perez and Seoane

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Replication material package for "Perturbating and Estimating DSGE models in Julia" by Salazar-Perez and Seoane.

These codes are available for free and without any guarantee. Use them at your own risk.

If you find typos please let us know.

If you use the codes please cite us.

First version: July 2021.

This version: March 2023.


1. build_model:         	Specification of the model.
2. build_model_steadystate:	Specification of the steady state.
3. run_solution_xxxx: 		Launches the solution of a model.
4. priors:			Specification of the priors for Bayesian estimation.
5. run_estimation_xxxx: 	Launches the Bayesian estimation of a model through the Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method.
6. solution_functions: 		Repository with all the functions required to solve and simulate the model.	 	
7. smc_rwmh_xxxx:		Repository with all the functions required to estimate the model through the SMC algorithm. 

Solution and simulation

These are the steps to adapt the codes in order to solve and simulate a specific model:
1. build_model
	# Parameters
		@vars 			List all the parameters in the model in order to generate them as symbols.
		parameters = [;]	List all the parameters in the model in a column vector.
		estimate   = []		Since no parameter should be estimated, leave this field as an 
					empty vector.

	# Variables
		@vars 			List all the variables in the model in order to generate them as symbols.
		x   =	[;]		List all the states in the model at time t as a column vector .
		y   = 	[;]		List all the jumpers in the model at time t as a column vector. 
		xp  = 	[;]		List all the states in the model at time t+1 as a column vector.
		yp  = 	[;]		List all the jumpers in the model at time t+1 as a column vector.

	# Shock
		@vars 			List all the exogenous shocks in the model at time t in order to 
					generate them as symbols.
		e   =   [;]		List as a column vector all the exogenous shocks affecting the 
					model at time t.
		eta =   Array([])

	# Equilibrium conditions
		f1  =   		Write each of the equilibrium conditions as a symbolic function.
		f2  =               
		... = 	

		f   =   [f1;f2;...]	List all the equilibrium conditions as a column vector. 

2. build_model_steadystate
		# Steady state (OPTIONAL)
		SS = [;] 		If known, provide the symbolic expresion of the steady state in 
					terms of the parameters.
					It must be provided as a column vector, in which the variables 
					should be ordered in the following way: [x; y; xp; yp].
					If the steady state is unknown, leave it as an empty vector (SS=[]),
					so that the program tries to estimate it numerically.

3. run_solution_xxxx:
	# Settings
		flag_order 	=  	State the order of the approximation (1,2,3).
		flag_deviation 	=	State whether the solution of the model should be log-linearized 
					(true) or not (false).
	# Parametrization
		PAR     =   [;]		List the value taken by all the parameters of the model as a column vector. 
					The order of the list should coincide with that of the previously declared
					"parameters" vector.
	# Simulation
		T_S 	= 		Indicate the number of periods to simulate.
		IS_S 	= 		Indicate the initial state for the simulation. 
					To start in the staeady state state: 'zeros(model.nx)'
	# Impulse-response functions
		T_IR 	= 		Indicate the number of periods that the impulse response functions 
					should cover.
		IS_IR 	= 		Indicate as a colomn vector the initial shocked state.


These are the steps to adapt the codes in order to solve and simulate a specific model:
1. build_model
	# Parameters
		@vars 			List all the parameters in the model to generate them as symbols.
		parameters = [;]	List all the parameters in the modelas a column vector.
		estimate   = [;]	List the parameters that need to be estimated in the model
					as a column vector. 

	# Variables
		@vars 			List all the variables in the model to generate them as symbols.
		x   =	[;]		List all the states in the model at time t as a column vector.
		y   = 	[;]		List all the jumpers in the model at time t as a column vector.
		xp  = 	[;]		List all the states in the model at time t+1 as a column vector.
		yp  = 	[;]		List all the jumpers in the model at time t+1 as a column vector.

	# Shock
		@vars 			List all the exogenous shocks in the model at time t in order to 
					generate them as symbols.
		e   =   [;]		List as a column vector all the exogenous shocks affecting the 
					model at time t.
		eta =   Array([])

	# Equilibrium conditions
		f1  =   		Write each of the equilibrium conditions as a symbolic function.
		f2  =               
		... = 	

		f   =   [f1;f2;...]	List all the equilibrium conditions as a column vector . 

2. build_model_steadystate
		# Steady state (OPTIONAL)
		SS = [;] 		If known, provide the symbolic expresion of the steady state in 
					terms of the parameters.
					It must be provided as a column vector, in which the variables 
					should be ordered in the following way: [x; y; xp; yp].
					If the steady state is unknown leave it as an empty vector (SS=[]), 
					so that the program tries to estimate it.
	# Parametrization
		PAR     =   [;]		List the value taken by all the parameters in the model as a column vector. 
					The order should coincide with that of the previously created "parameters" 
					An initial value for the parameters to be estimated must be included 
					in the vector.
4. priors:
	 Prior distributions		Introduce the information of the prior distribution of every parameter 
					to be estimated in the order that in which it has been listed in the estimate
					vector. The vector "parasim[1,:,#]" is filled with random extractions from 
					the prior distribution of the #th parameter to be estimated.				

5. run_estimation_xxxx:
	# Settings
		flag_order = 		State the order of the estimation (1,2,3).
		flag_deviation =	State whether the solution of the model should be log-linearized 
					(true) or not (false).

	# Estimation
    		initial_para 			= [;] List the initial values for the estimated parameters as a column vector.
		c 				= State the transition kernel parameter              
		@time estimation_results 	= smc_run_rwmh_xxxx(initial_para, data', model, PAR)	
						This line initializes the SMC estimation method. 
						The data should be previously loaded in the variable 'data' 
						as column time series.


Replication material package for "Perturbating and Estimating DSGE models in Julia" by Salazar-Perez and Seoane


Language:Julia 100.0%