maxiee / flutter_engine_auto_compile_scripts

A script for compiling Flutter Engine automatically.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A script for compiling Flutter Engine automatically.


This script is written in Python, some dependencies are needed:

  1. Python3, I'm using Python3.10
  2. Python related dependencies: Pipenv
  3. Flutter compiling: ant


  1. clone repo
  2. this project use Pipenv for management, install pipenv
  3. install dependencies: pipenv install
  4. pipenv shell
  5. in virtual environment,python src/


  --help  Show this message and exit.

  build     Build flutter with out type defined in config.yaml
  checkout  Checkout engine to specified version ('v*.*.*',defined in...
  sync      Check dependencies and sync flutter engine source

Sync Flutter Engine Source

You first need to sync the code of flutter engine. run:

python src/ sync

The size of code is about 20 GiB, so sit back and relax.


If the cloning speed is too slow, you can try with a proxy, for example:

export https_proxy=
export http_proxy=
export all_proxy=socks5://

python src/

Checkout Engine version

If you haven't sync code, do sync first.

The default code is the head of master. If you want to checkout to a specific version of engine, you can run:

python src/ checkout v3.0.2

The script will checktout to the specific commit automatically.

All the tag-commit_hash pairs are recored in the config.yaml. If you can't find the version you want in config.yaml, please submit a issue or PR.

Engine Building

This script simplifies the build parameters through the config.yaml config file.

First edit config.yaml, under the build section, you can define a type. Then you can define gn parameters and the output path for ninja.

For example:

    gn: '--no-lto --build-glfw-shell --linux --fuchsia --runtime-mode debug'
    out: 'host_debug'

You can build the engine with defined type:

python src/ build host

This script will run gn and ninja automatically.

That's all, happy hacking Flutter Engine.

If you have any good idea, please let me know!

My twitter: @MaxieeWong My sina weibo: @Maeiee


A script for compiling Flutter Engine automatically.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%