Single-beat is a nice little application that ensures only one instance of your process runs across your servers.
Such as celerybeat (or some kind of daily mail sender, orphan file cleaner etc...) needs to be running only on one server, but if that server gets down, well, you go and start it at another server etc. As we all hate manually doing things, single-beat automates this process.
We use redis as a lock server, and wrap your process with single-beat, in two servers,
single-beat celery beat
on the second server
single-beat celery beat
on the third server
single-beat celery beat
The second process will just wait until the first one dies etc.
sudo pip install single-beat
You can configure single-beat with environment variables, like
SINGLE_BEAT_REDIS_SERVER='redis://redis-host:6379/1' single-beat celery beat
you can give redis host url, we pass it to from_url of redis-py
the default is we use your process name as the identifier, like
single-beat celery beat
all processes checks a key named, SINGLE_BEAT_celery but in some cases you might need to give another identifier, eg. your project name etc.
SINGLE_BEAT_IDENTIFIER='celery-beat' single-beat celery beat
SINGLE_BEAT_LOCK_TIME (default 5 seconds)
when starting your process, we set a key with 10 second expiration (INITIAL_LOCK_TIME) in redis server, other single-beat processes checks if that key exists - if it exists they won't spawn children. We continue to update that key every 1 second (HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) setting it with a ttl of 5 seconds (LOCK_TIME)
this should work, but you might want to give more relaxed intervals, like:
SINGLE_BEAT_HOST_IDENTIFIER (default socket.gethostname)
we set the name of the host and the process id as lock keys value, so you can check where does your process currently working.
SINGLE_BEAT_IDENTIFIER='celery-beat' single-beat celery beat
(env)$ redis-cli redis> keys * 1) "_kombu.binding.celeryev" 2) "celery" 3) "_kombu.binding.celery" 4) "SINGLE_BEAT_celery-beat" redis> get SINGLE_BEAT_celery-beat "aybarss-MacBook-Air.local:43213" redis>
SINGLE_BEAT_HOST_IDENTIFIER='' SINGLE_BEAT_IDENTIFIER='celery-beat' single-beat celery beat
(env)$ redis-cli redis> keys * 1) "SINGLE_BEAT_celery-beat" redis> get SINGLE_BEAT_celery-beat ""
SINGLE_BEAT_LOG_LEVEL (default warn)
change log level to debug if you want to see the heartbeat messages.
SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_MODE (default heartbeat)
SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_BEFORE_DIE (default 60 seconds)
instead of checking the process every second (heartbeat mode) you can put single beat into supervisor, and die after 60 seconds (SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_BEFORE_DIE), so supervisor will respawn it again, single-beat will check if there is another process in the cluster, will wait for 60 seconds and die nicely, so supervisor will respawn it....
easier to explain with code,
on first server
SINGLE_BEAT_LOG_LEVEL=debug SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_MODE=supervised SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_BEFORE_DIE=10 SINGLE_BEAT_IDENTIFIER='celery-beat' single-beat celery beat -A example.tasks DEBUG:singlebeat.beat:timer called 0.100841999054 state=WAITING [2014-05-05 16:28:24,099: INFO/MainProcess] beat: Starting... DEBUG:singlebeat.beat:timer called 0.999553918839 state=RUNNING DEBUG:singlebeat.beat:timer called 1.00173187256 state=RUNNING DEBUG:singlebeat.beat:timer called 1.00134801865 state=RUNNING
this will heartbeat every second, on your second server
SINGLE_BEAT_LOG_LEVEL=debug SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_MODE=supervised SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_BEFORE_DIE=10 SINGLE_BEAT_IDENTIFIER='celery-beat' single-beat celery beat -A example.tasks DEBUG:singlebeat.beat:timer called 0.101243019104 state=WAITING DEBUG:root:already running, will exit after 60 seconds
so if you do this in your supervisor.conf
[program:celerybeat] environment=SINGLE_BEAT_IDENTIFIER="celery-beat",SINGLE_BEAT_REDIS_SERVER="redis://localhost:6379/0",SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_MODE="supervised", SINGLE_BEAT_WAIT_BEFORE_DIE=10 command=single-beat celery beat -A example.tasks numprocs=1 stdout_logfile=./logs/celerybeat.log stderr_logfile=./logs/celerybeat.err autostart=true autorestart=true startsecs=10
it will try to spawn celerybeat every 60 seconds.
Run tests to validate everything
$ workon distribution-consumer
$ tox
You can see an example usage with supervisor at example/celerybeat.conf
There are some other solutions but either they are either complicated, or you need to modify the process. And I couldn't find a simpler solution for this celery/celery#251 without modifying or adding locks to my tasks.
You can also check uWsgi's Legion Support which can do the same thing.