maxi-k / software-engineering-13-team-cq

Software Engineering project from the first semester of the masters degree.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SE Master - Software Engineering Project - Team CQ

Build Status


  • apps/: contains all deployables; contains all services of the FleetData application as well as services for testing, monitoring and local development
  • env/: environement configuration files for local/test/int/prod deployments
  • scripts/: usefull scripts for common tasks
  • docker-compose.yaml: use this compose configuration to start the application locally
  • Passwords.kdbx: KeePass encrypted Password-Database containing all relevant passwords

Technical Documentation

Local Development

Build & Run

There is a docker-compose.yaml file that can be used to deploy the service locally. Build and deploy by running following commands in the root directory.

docker-compose up --build

To remove the local services with all data use

docker-compose down -v


Each service is documented in its own README.

The CNS App

The App is divided into a frontend and a backend. They are deployed to Heroku automatically if the CI is done and all tests pass.

When first accessing those services, there might be a short delay, as Heroku has to spin them up first.

Team "CQ"

  • Stefan Grafberger (Team leader)
  • Fiona Guerin
  • Maximilian Kuschewski


Technologies Selection
Language (Backend) Kotlin
Web Framework Spring Boot
Build Tool Gradle
ORM Hibernate
Database Migration Flyway
Job Scheduling Quartz
API Client Generation OpenAPITools
DTO & Entity Mapping MapStruct
Unit Testing
UI Prototyping Figma
Issue Tracking Github
Code Style / Linter
Language (Frontend) Typescript & React
Frontend State Redux
Frontend Testing Jest, Snapshots & Selenium


  • Create issues for everything
  • Create branches for issues
  • Name branches for issues: [issue-nr]-[short-description]
  • Rebase and squash before merging
  • Before merging any branches into master: Two people have to review the code.
  • Create code, code documentation and issues in English
  • Reference the respective issue when creating a pull request



How to run the backend

In apps/customisable-notification-service-backend

  • Unix: ./gradlew bootRun
  • Windows: use gradlew.bat

How to run the frontend

Starting a development environment for the frontend with auto reloading and more can be done using:

cd apps/customisable-notification-service-frontend
yarn install
yarn start


Software Engineering project from the first semester of the masters degree.


Language:Kotlin 43.8%Language:TypeScript 32.6%Language:HTML 13.8%Language:Java 8.1%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Smarty 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%