maxharlow / reconcile

⚡️ Enriches data, adding columns based on lookups to online services

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Enrich your data, adding new columns based on lookups to online services.


$ npm install -g reconcile

Alternatively, don't install it and just prepend the below commands with npx.


$ reconcile <command> <filename>

Where <command> is one of the operations listed in the next section.

Each command will need some parameters specific to what it does to work, which are given using the -p flag. They should be written in Yaml format, for example:

$ reconcile company-numbers-to-company-officer-names input.csv -p 'jurisdiction: gb; companyNumberField: RegisteredCompanyNumber' > output.csv

Note this also uses redirection (>) to send the output into a new CSV file. If you are giving it a value that has spaces in it, you'll need put it in quotes. If, as above, you used single quotes (') around your whole list of parameters, you should use double quotes (") around the value, and vice-versa.

If there are a lot of parameters, it may be more convenient to put them in a separate file, and pass the name of that file to -p.

HTTP requests are automatically retried if they fail, five times by default, but this can be adjusted with the -r flag.

Request caching can be turned on with the -c flag. This will save a copy of each HTTP request in a .reconcile-cache directory, and look for a cached copy of a request before making one itself. Note that if the data is likely to have changed since it was cached, you will still be getting the cached copy -- delete the directory if this is not what you want. Also beware that this directory can become quite large.

If you'd like to include rows where no match was found, or an error was encountered, set the join flag -j to outer.


Double-press the tab key to autocomplete these names from the command line.

Using OpenCorporates


Use OpenCorporates to look up a list of company numbers and jurisdiction codes, and retrieve various details for each.


  • apiToken An OpenCorporates API token.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.
  • companyJurisdictionField Jurisdiction code column. It should use ISO 3166-2 format. Required unless jurisdiction is specified.
  • jurisdiction If all companies have the same jurisdiction you can specify it here instead of in a column. Required unless companyJurisdictionField is specified.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyJurisdiction
  • companyName
  • companyIncorporationDate
  • companyDissolutionDate
  • companyType
  • companyStatus
  • companyAddress
  • companyPreviousNames
  • companyAlternativeNames
  • companyBeneficialOwners
  • companyAgentName
  • companyAgentAddress
  • companyActivities


Use OpenCorporates to look up a list of company numbers and jurisdiction codes, and retrieve the names of their officers.


  • apiToken An OpenCorporates API token.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.
  • companyJurisdictionField Jurisdiction code column, if any. It should use ISO 3166-2 format. Required unless jurisdiction is specified.
  • jurisdiction If all companies have the same jurisdiction you can specify it here instead of in a column. Required unless companyJurisdictionField is specified.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyName
  • officerName
  • officerPosition
  • officerStartDate
  • officerEndDate
  • officerNationality
  • officerOccupation
  • officerAddress
  • officerDateOfBirth


Use OpenCorporates to look up a list of company names and find the most likely registration number for each. Beware incorrect matches! Company names are terrible unique identifiers.


  • companyNameField Company name column.
  • companyJurisdictionField Jurisdiction code column, if any. It should use ISO 3166-2 format. Required unless jurisdiction is specified.
  • jurisdiction If all companies have the same jurisdiction you can specify it here instead of in a column. Required unless companyJurisdictionField is specified.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each name. Optional. Default is 1.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyJurisdiction
  • companyNumber
  • companyName


Use OpenCorporates to look up a list of names and find which companies they are officers of (typically either as directors or secretaries).


  • apiToken An OpenCorporates API token.
  • nameField Name column.
  • dateOfBirthField Birth date column. It should use ISO 8601 format. For a range the two dates should be separated with a colon. Optional.
  • jurisdictionField Jurisdiction code column, if any. It should use ISO 3166-2 format. Required unless jurisdiction is specified.
  • jurisdiction If all officers have the same jurisdiction you can specify it here instead of in a column. Required unless jurisdictionField is specified.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • officerName
  • officerPosition
  • officerStartDate
  • officerEndDate
  • officerNationality
  • officerOccupation
  • officerAddress
  • officerDateOfBirth
  • companyName
  • companyNumber
  • companyJurisdiction


Use OpenCorporates to look up a list of names of companies or individuals and find which companies they are beneficial owners of. Includes past beneficial owners.


  • apiToken An OpenCorporates API token.
  • nameField Name column.
  • dateOfBirthField Date of birth column, in ISO 8601 format. If given will use the month and year to filter results. Optional.
  • nonMiddleNameMatch Match name only based on the first and last names. Ignores non-alphabetical differences and titles. Optional.
  • preciseMatch Match name precisely. Ignores non-alphabetical differences and titles. Optional.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • beneficialOwnerName
  • beneficialOwnerTitle
  • beneficialOwnerFirstName
  • beneficialOwnerMiddleNames
  • beneficialOwnerLastName
  • beneficialOwnerKind
  • beneficialOwnerControlMechanisms
  • beneficialOwnerNotifiedDate
  • beneficialOwnerCeasedDate
  • beneficialOwnerNationality
  • beneficialOwnerAddress
  • beneficialOwnerDateOfBirth
  • beneficialOwnerCountryOfResidence
  • beneficialOwnerCompanyNumber
  • beneficialOwnerCompanyJurisdiction
  • companyName
  • companyNumber
  • companyJurisdiction

Using Companies House (UK)


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve various details for each.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumber
  • companyName
  • companyUKJurisdiction
  • companyCreationDate
  • companyCessationDate
  • companyType
  • companySubtype
  • companyStatus
  • companyStatusDetail
  • companyPostcode
  • companyAddress
  • companyAddressIsInDispute
  • companyAddressIsUndeliverable
  • companyPreviousNames
  • companySICCodes
  • companyCanFile
  • companyHasInsolvencyHistory
  • companyHasCharges
  • companyHasBeenLiquidated
  • companyAccountsOverdue
  • companyAnnualReturnOverdue
  • companyPartialDataAvailable
  • companyExternalRegistrationNumber
  • companyLastFullMembersListDate


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve the filings for each.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.
  • filingCategory Category of filings to include, eg. "accounts". Optional. Default is all filings. Can be: accounts, address, annual-return, capital, change-of-name, incorporation, liquidation, miscellaneous, mortgage, officers, resolution, confirmation-statement.
  • filingDescription Descriptions of filings to include. Optional.
  • includeAll Set true to include all filed documents, instead of just the first. Optional. Default is first only.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • filingDate
  • filingCategory
  • filingSubcategory
  • filingType
  • filingDescription
  • filingDescriptionData
  • filingActionDate
  • filingPaperFiled
  • filingID
  • filingURL
  • filingAPIURL


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve the names of their beneficial owners.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • beneficialOwnerName
  • beneficialOwnerKind
  • beneficialOwnerNaturesOfControl
  • beneficialOwnerName
  • beneficialOwnerTitle
  • beneficialOwnerFirstName
  • beneficialOwnerMiddleNames
  • beneficialOwnerLastName
  • beneficialOwnerKind
  • beneficialOwnerNaturesOfControl
  • beneficialOwnerNotifiedDate
  • beneficialOwnerCeasedDate
  • beneficialOwnerNationality
  • beneficialOwnerAddress
  • beneficialOwnerDateOfBirth
  • beneficialOwnerCountryOfResidence
  • beneficialOwnerIdentificationLegalAuthority
  • beneficialOwnerIdentificationLegalForm
  • beneficialOwnerIdentificationRegisteredPlace
  • beneficialOwnerIdentificationRegisteredCountry
  • beneficialOwnerIdentificationNumber


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve their beneficial ownership statements.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • beneficialOwnershipStatement
  • beneficialOwnershipStatementNotifiedDate
  • beneficialOwnershipStatementCeasedDate


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve the IDs and names of their officers.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • officerID
  • officerName
  • officerDateOfBirth
  • officerNationality
  • officerRole
  • officerAppointedDate
  • officerResignedDate
  • officerOccupation
  • officerPostcode
  • officerAddress
  • officerCountryOfResidence
  • officerFormerNames
  • officerIdentificationType
  • officerIdentificationLegalAuthority
  • officerIdentificationLegalForm
  • officerIdentificationRegisteredPlace
  • officerIdentificationNumber


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve the insolvency cases for each.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyInsolvencyStatus
  • companyInsolvencyCaseNumber
  • companyInsolvencyCaseType
  • companyInsolvencyCaseWoundUpDate
  • companyInsolvencyCasePetitionedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseConcludedWindingUpDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseDueToBeDissolvedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseDissolvedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseAdministrationStartedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseAdministrationEndedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseAdministrationDischargedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseVoluntaryArrangementStartedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseVoluntaryArrangementEndedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseMoratoriumStartedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCaseInstrumentedDate
  • companyInsolvencyCasePractitioners
  • companyInsolvencyCaseNotes


Use Companies House to look up a list of company numbers, and retrieve the charges for each.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNumberField Company number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • chargeCode
  • chargeNumber
  • chargeStatus
  • chargePersonsEntitled
  • chargeAcquiredDate
  • chargeCreatedDate
  • chargeDeliveredDate
  • chargeResolvedDate
  • chargeSatisfiedDate
  • chargeCoveringInstrumentDate
  • chargeTransactions
  • chargeInsolvencyCases
  • chargeParticulars
  • chargeContainsFixedCharge
  • chargeContainsFloatingCharge
  • chargeContainsNegativePledge
  • chargeFloatingChargeCoversAll
  • chargeChargorActingAsBareTrustee
  • chargeHasScottishAlterationsToOrder
  • chargeHasScottishAlterationsToProhibitions
  • chargeHasScottishAlterationsRestrictingProvisions
  • chargeAssetsCeasedReleased
  • chargeClassificationType
  • chargeClassificationDescription
  • chargeSecuredType
  • chargeSecuredDescription


Use Companies House to look up a list of company names and find the most likely registration number for each. Beware incorrect matches! Company names are terrible unique identifiers.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • companyNameField Company name column.
  • postcodeField Postcode column. If given will use it to filter results. Only looks at the current company postcode. Optional.
  • preciseMatch Match company name precisely. Ignores non-alphanumeric differences. Optional.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each name. Optional. Default is 1, maximum is 100.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumber
  • companyName
  • companyCreationDate
  • companyCessationDate
  • companyPostcode
  • companyAddress


Use Companies House to look up a list of company types and retrieve all the companies of that type, up to a maximum of 10,000.


Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumber
  • companyName
  • companyStatus
  • companyType
  • companyCreationDate
  • companyCessationDate
  • companyPostcode
  • companyAddress


Use Companies House to look up a list of place names and retrieve all the companies who include that term in their registered address.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • placeNameField Place name column.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each name. Optional. Default is all. Maximum is 10,000.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumber
  • companyName
  • companyStatus
  • companyType
  • companyCreationDate
  • companyCessationDate
  • companyPostcode
  • companyAddress


Use Companies House to look up a list of names of companies or individuals and find the ID numbers for each. Many officers will have multiple IDs associated with them. This is limited to bringing back the first 10 pages of matches.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • nameField Name column.
  • dateOfBirthField Date of birth column, in ISO 8601 format. If given will use the month and year to filter results. Optional.
  • nonMiddleNameMatch Match name only based on the first and last names. Ignores non-alphabetical differences and titles. Optional.
  • preciseMatch Match name precisely. Ignores non-alphabetical differences and titles. Optional.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • officerID
  • officerName
  • officerDateOfBirth
  • officerAddress


Use Companies House to look up a list of officer IDs, and retrieve the company numbers for their appointments.


  • apiKey A Companies House API key.
  • officerIDField Officer ID column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumber
  • companyName
  • companyStatus
  • officerID
  • officerName
  • officerNationality
  • officerRole
  • officerAppointedDate
  • officerResignedDate
  • officerOccupation
  • officerAddress
  • officerCountryOfResidence

Using Land Registry (UK)


Use the Land Registry land and property information service to look up Inspire ID numbers, and find their addresses. Note this will require you to manually fill in a Captcha for each row.


  • inspireIDField Inspire ID column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • titleAddress
  • titleTenure Leasehold or freehold.

Using Valuation Office Agency (UK)


Use the Valuation Office Agency council tax band information service to look up addresses, and find the council tax band.


  • addressNumberField Property number (or name) column. Optional.
  • addressStreetField Property street column. Optional.
  • addressCityField Property city column. Optional.
  • addressPostcodeField Property postcode column. Optional.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • address
  • localAuthority
  • localAuthorityReference
  • councilTaxBand
  • improvementIndicator
  • effectFromDate
  • isMixedUseProperty
  • courtCode

Using Investegate (UK)


Use Investegate to take a list of tickers for UK-listed (FTSE 350, Aim, TechMark) companies, and retrieve all their regulatory announcements.


  • tickerField Ticker column.
  • category Only include annoucements in this category. Optional. Default: all. Can be: general, mergers-acquisitions-disposals, results-and-trading-reports, dividends, executive-changes, directors-dealings, advance-notice-of-results.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each ticker. Optional. Default is all.
  • maximumDate Maximum announcement date for announcements from each ticker, in ISO 8601 format. Optional. Default is no limit.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • announcementDate
  • announcementTime
  • announcementSource
  • announcementCompany
  • announcementTitle
  • accouncementURL
  • announcementBody

Using SEC Edgar (US)


Use the SEC Edgar company filings search to take a list of CIKs, or 'central index keys', an identifier given by the SEC to those who have filed disclosures, and retrieve all their filings.


  • cikField CIK column.
  • filingType Type of filings to include, eg. 10-K. Optional. Default is all filings.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each entity. Optional. Default is all.
  • maximumDate Maximum announcement date for announcements from each entity, in ISO 8601 format. Optional. Default is no limit.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • filingDate
  • filingType
  • filingAccession
  • filingDescription
  • filingDetail
  • filingDocumentType
  • filingDocumentDescription
  • filingDocument


Use the SEC Edgar CIK lookup to take a list of names of companies, funds, or individuals and find the most likely CIK, or 'central index key', an identifier given by the SEC to those who have filed disclosures. Beware incorrect matches! Names are terrible unique identifiers.


  • nameField Name column.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each name. Optional. Default is 1, maximum is 100.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • name
  • cik

Using FTS 'Egrul' Business Registers (Russia)


Use the FTS Business Registers search to take a list of company names (or OGRN company numbers), and retrieve all their company numbers (INN numbers) and names.


  • companyNameField Company name (or OGRN company number) column.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each entity. Optional. Default is all.
  • preciseMatch Match name precisely. Ignores non-alphabetical differences and prefixes. Optional.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumber (INN)
  • companyNumberOGRN
  • companyName
  • companyNameShort
  • companyAddress

Using ITSoft 'Egrul' Business Registers (Russia)

ITSoft run an unofficial but free API which mirrors the paid-for data published by the Federal Tax Service of Russia.


Use the ITSoft Business Registers API to take a list of company numbers (INN or OGRN), and retrieve various details for each.


  • companyNumberField Company number (INN or OGRN) column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyNumberOGRN
  • companyName
  • companyNameShort
  • companyCreationDate
  • companyCessationDate
  • companyType
  • companyAddress
  • companyManagementCompanyName
  • companyManagementCompanyNumber
  • companyManagementCompanyNumberOGRN
  • companyActivityCodeMain
  • companyActivityCodesAdditional


Use the ITSoft Business Registers API to take a list of company numbers (INN or OGRN), and retrieve a list of shareholders for each.


  • companyNumberField Company number (INN or OGRN) column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • shareholderType
  • shareholderName
  • shareholderCompanyNumber
  • shareholderCompanyNumberOGRN
  • shareholderCompanyNameLatin
  • shareholderCompanyJurisdiction
  • shareholderCompanyRegistrar
  • shareholderCompanyAddress
  • shareholderIndividualForename
  • shareholderIndividualPatronymic
  • shareholderIndividualSurname
  • shareholderIndividualTaxNumber
  • shareholderIndividualCitizenship
  • shareholderSinceDate
  • shareholderShareNumber
  • shareholderSharePercentage
  • shareholderShareLastChangedDate
  • shareholderRegistrationLastChangedDate
  • shareholderRestrictedSinceDate

Using FTS Accounting Reporting (Russia)


Use the Federal Tax Service's accounting reporting site to take a list of company numbers (INN), and retrieve all the accounting indicators available for each accounting period.


  • companyNumberField Company number (INN) column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • companyAccountingNumber
  • companyAccountingPeriodID
  • companyAccountingPeriod
  • companyAccountingSection
  • companyAccountingIndicatorCode
  • companyAccountingIndicatorValueCurrent
  • companyAccountingIndicatorValuePrevious
  • companyAccountingIndicatorValueBeforePrevious

Using OpenSanctions


Use OpenSanctions to look up a list of entities (which can be companies, individuals, or many other types), and retrieve matched target entities in their various databases.


  • apiKey An OpenSanctions API key.
  • entityFields Mapping object from OpenSanctions schema properties to column names.
  • entitySchemaField Schema column, if any. It should be an OpenSanctions schema. Required unless schema is specified.
  • schema If all entities have the same schema type you can specify it here instead of in a column. Required unless schemaField is specified.
  • dataset An OpenSanctions dataset to match within. Optional. Defaults to the full OpenSanctions dataset, 'default'.
  • maximumResults Maximum number of results to include for each entity, up to 10. Optional. Defaults to 1.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • targetID
  • targetCaption
  • targetFirstSeen
  • targetLastSeen

Using Wikipedia & Wikidata


Use Wikidata to take a list of terms, and retrieve the Wikidata concept IDs for each of the results.


  • termField Term column.
  • includeAll Set true to include all URLs, instead of just the first. Optional. Default is first 50 only.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • wikidataConceptID
  • wikidataConceptLabel


Use Wikidata to extract a specific property from each of the results, such as the date of birth or Facebook ID.


  • wikidataConceptIDField Concept ID column.
  • property Wikidata property to extract.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • value


Use Wikipedia to take a list of URLs, and extract out the Wikidata concept IDs for each.


  • wikipediaURLField URL column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • wikidataConceptID

Using Equasis


Use Equasis to take a list of ship IMO numbers, and retrieve all their connected companies, as well as other details. Note Equasis only allows around 500 lookups per day. If you exceed that two days in a row you get blocked for seven days.


  • credentials A email address and password pair, separated by a colon, for a registered Equasis account.
  • shipIMONumberField Ship IMO number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • shipName
  • shipCallSign
  • shipMMSI
  • shipTonnage
  • shipDWT
  • shipType
  • shipBuildYear
  • shipFlag
  • shipStatus
  • shipFormerNames
  • shipFormerFlags
  • shipCompanyRole
  • shipCompanyName
  • shipCompanyDate


Use Equasis to take a list of ship MMSI numbers, and retrieve the IMO number for each. Note Equasis only allows around 500 lookups per day. If you exceed that two days in a row you get blocked for seven days.


  • credentials A email address and password pair, separated by a colon, for a registered Equasis account.
  • shipMMSINumberField Ship MMSI number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • shipIMONumber
  • shipName
  • shipTonnage
  • shipType
  • shipBuildYear
  • shipFlag


Use Equasis to take a list of ship names, and retrieve their IMO numbers. Note Equasis only allows around 500 lookups per day. If you exceed that two days in a row you get blocked for seven days.


  • credentials A email address and password pair, separated by a colon, for a registered Equasis account.
  • shipNameField Ship name column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • shipIMONumber
  • shipName
  • shipTonnage
  • shipType
  • shipBuildYear
  • shipFlag

Using the International Group of P&I Clubs


Use IGP&I to take a list of IMO numbers (or ship names), and retrieve the names of their insurers, and the club their insurer belongs to. Note if using ship names and there are multiple matches you will only receieve the first 20.


  • shipIMONumberField Ship IMO number (or name) column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • shipIMONumber
  • shipName
  • shipType
  • shipInsurerClub
  • shipInsurer

Using ITU Mars


Use the International Telecommunication Union's database of ship-based radio stations (ITU Mars) to take a list of ship MMSI numbers, and retrieve their details, including the owner.


  • shipMMSINumberField Ship MMSI number column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • shipName
  • shipCallSign
  • shipIdentificationNumber
  • shipOwner
  • shipFormerName
  • shipTonnage
  • shipPersonCapacity

Using IP API


Use IP API to look up a list of IP addresses and get estimated details about their locations.


  • ipAddressField IP address column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • country
  • region
  • city
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • isp
  • organisation

Using Google Search


Use Google to take a list of terms, and retrieve the URLs for each of the results.


  • termField Term column.
  • supplement Extra terms to be included with the search. Optional.
  • includeAll Set true to include all URLs, instead of just the first. Optional. Default is first page only.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • resultTitle
  • resultLocation

Using data found on the given URLs


Download each page and extract out arbitrary elements using CSS selectors.


  • urlField URL column.
  • elements Array of objects containing two fields, key and selector.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • key
  • value


Download each page and extract out anything that looks like a Google Analytics ID.


  • urlField URL column.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • googleAnalyticsID

Using the Domain Name System (DNS)


Use DNS to look up a list of URLs, and resolve the domain name into records.


  • urlField URL column.
  • recordType Type of records to retrieve. Optional, default is A.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • record


Use DNS to look up a list of URLs, and use the domain name to retrieve the Whois record.


  • urlField URL column.
  • lineMatch Filter lines to only those matching. Optional.

Produces a CSV including columns:

  • data


⚡️ Enriches data, adding columns based on lookups to online services


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