maxgrok / lottery-dapp

Responsive Lottery Contract DApp React Front End, Styled with Semantic UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lottery Dapp - React Front End

npm start to run app.


This app presumes you have MetaMask installed and active on the Rinkeby Test Network


1 component, initializes 5 state properties.

As soon as component renders, it triggers the ComponentDidMount() method, then takes that data off the smart contract to display it in the component.

onSubmit() and onClick() - retreived list of active accounts, sets waiting message, then calls a contract.

render() - read different state properties and displayed them on the screen

Used .fromWei - converted wei to ether


Responsive Lottery Contract DApp React Front End, Styled with Semantic UI


Language:JavaScript 76.2%Language:HTML 15.7%Language:CSS 8.0%