maxcheremisin / apira

API strict type definition creator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


API strict type definition creator. This library is aimed to allow you to define API with strict types using TypeScript.

First you need API Builder

import {Apira} from "@langion/apira";
export const api = new Apira();

After that you need to define method that makes request. There is an abstract class Resolver from @langion/apira and you need to extend it and set resolver to api. The request method is used to perform every request.

export class ServiceRequest extends Resolver<void> {
    protected basePath = "http://localhost:8090";

    protected request: <Response, Query, Payload, Params>(data: RequestData<Query, Payload, Params, void>) => Promise<Response> = (data) => {
        const request = fetch(data.url, {
            method: data.method,
            body: JSON.stringify(data.request.payload),
            headers: {
                "Accept": "application/json",
                "Content-Type": "application/json",

        const result = request.then((v) => v.json()).catch((e) => console.log(e));

        return result.then((v) => {
            return v;

And now you need to assign resolver to api.

import { Apira } from  "@langion/apira";
Apira.setResolver(new ServiceRequest(), api);

Define API

There are two types of definitions: Without params in path:

export const getAllData = api.path(Url)
    .request<ResponseType, QueryType, PayloadType>(RequestMethod)

For example:

interface Data {
  state: string;
  permissions: number[];

interface Filter {
  search: string;
  status: string

export const getAllData = api.path('/api/data')
    .request<Data, Filter, void>('get')

With params in path:

export const getUser = api.path((p: ParamsType) => Url)
    .request<ResponseType, QueryType, PayloadType>(RequestMethod)

For example:

interface User {
    name: string;
    lastName: string;

interface Params {
    id: number;

export const getUser = api
    .path((p: Params) => `/api/user/${}`)
    .request<User, void, void>('get')

When you defined API methods you can call this methods:

getAllData({ payload: null, query: { search: 'last', status: 'done' } }).then(r => {

getUser({ params: { id: 23 }, query: null, payload: null }).then(r => {


API strict type definition creator

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%