max00217 / Corpus-Alphabet-Converter

Warframe Corpus Language Converter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Corpus Language Converter

Conversion Table

A = A J -> T S -> Y
B -> T K = K T -> P
C -> Y L -> P U = U
D -> P M -> S V -> T
E = E N -> T W -> J
F -> T O = O X -> K
G -> J P -> K Y = Y
H -> K Q -> R Z -> B
I = I R -> T


No. original text translated text
1 For Profit. Tot Ktotip.
1 We serve the Corpus. We are the Corpus. Je yette pke Yotkuy. Je ate pke Yotkuy.
3 Engaging fighting protocols! Etjajitj tijkpitj ktopoyopy!
4 Don't let them live! Pot'p pep pkes pite!
5 This domestic Osprey is perfect for cleaning, serving food and delivering parcels. Pkiy poseypiy Oyktey iy ketteyp tot ypeatitj, yettitj toop atp pepitetitj katyepy.

Built with V


Warframe Corpus Language Converter


Language:V 100.0%