Build Dependencies: coreutils, util-linux, less
Runtime Dependencies: python3 (version >= 3.7), less (with command support), curl
$ make
Add the following lines to your shell's rc file:
alias lb='cd ~/.lb/pages; touch {1..32}; LESSKEY=~/.lb/less less -XR {1..32}'
export PATH=~/bin:"$PATH"
Update the shell (bash)
$ . ~/.bashrc
For performance and security, you can add the following line to your /etc/fstab file:
tmpfs $HOME/.lb/pages tmpfs uid=$USER,gid=$USER,mode=700,noatime,nodev,nosuid,noexec 0 0
This will store web pages in memory, prevent updates to access times, and set strict access control permissions.
$ lb
$ make uninstall
- Rewrite in flex/bison for portability and correctness
Please send issues to the email seL4 (plus) lb (at)