mawise / r53dyndns

Route 53 Dynamic DNS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Route 53 Dynamic DNS

This is a simple script that checks the server's public IP address, then updates a DNS record in AWS Route 53 to point to that server. Stick it in the crontab of a home server and you can host a website (or other content) even if you don't have a static IP address from your internet service provider

Note: Do not host a web server from your home if it is against the terms of service for your internet service provider


ruby update_dns.rb

Replace with your domain name.

The script will also create a file: .dyndns_ip_address in your home directory. This allows it to save the previously recorded public IP address and only query Route 53 if an update is needed.


Route 53 Dynamic DNS


Language:Ruby 100.0%