mawarnes / healthkit-titanium-module

Healthkit as a Titanium module

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Clone or download project
  2. In the root directory of the project run: python
  3. Then run either: unzip -o -d ~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/ or: mv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/

Then either: 1.Open the tiapp.xml and update the element to include the module as a dependency to the project:

   		 <module platform="iphone"></module>

Or: In Studio: Open the tiapp.xml file located in the root directory of the project. Under the Modules section, click the Add button. Select Click OK.

Make sure that healthkit is enabled for your provisioning profile for your app



Creates the module:

var mod = require('');

Checks if Healthkit is available on the device:

var supported = mod.isSupported();

Sample object for types to read. Use any Healthkit constant identifier:

var readTypes = {
    HKCategoryType: [],
    HKCharacteristicType : [],
    HKCorrelationType : [],
    HKQuantityType : ["HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount", "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned"],
    HKWorkoutType: ["HKWorkoutType"]

Sample object for types to write. Use any Healthkit constant identifier:

var writeTypes = {
  HKCategoryType: [],
  HKCharacteristicType : [],
  HKCorrelationType : [],
  HKQuantityType : ["HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount", "HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned"],
  HKWorkoutType: ["HKWorkoutType"]

Asks user for authorization and displays the Permissions Dialog (happens only once):

mod.authorize(writeTypes, readTypes, function(res){
  	if (res.success == 1){
   	   // no error occured
 	     // error occurred

Controls if the user gave all permissions. For write types this works fine, but for read types Apple doesn't allow developers to query directly for permission (see documentation). However this method returns true if data is available for every read type (which indicates the user gave read permission):

mod.controlPermissions(writeTypes, readTypes, function(res){
 	 if (res.success == 1){
     	 // all permissions given
      // some permission were denied

Query quantity types

Date predicate to use with query:

function datePredicate(startDate, endDate)
    return { "datePredicate": [xcodeDate(startDate), xcodeDate(endDate)] };

Use ordinary JavaScript date objects with the query

var startDate = new Date(); 
var endDate = new Date();

Example predicate

var predicate = new datePredicate(startDate, endDate);

Query object to use to query Healthkit for quantity types

 var Query = function(quantityType, limit, predicate){
        this.quantityType   	= quantityType;
        this.limit              = limit;
        this.predicate          = predicate;

Example query

var query = new Query("HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount", 0, predicate)

Queries Healthkit for data for quantity types

mod.getQuantityResult(query, function(res){
   if (res.success == 1){
   		// res.quantities - array with results
		// res.sources - array with the src/app that created each quantity
 		// res.quantityType - the type of the query 
   		// Something has gone wrong

Save a workout

Workout object for saving a workout to Healthkit

var Workout = function(calories, distance, startDate, endDate, HKWorkoutActivityTypes){
    this.calories   = calories;
    this.distance   = distance;
    this.startDate  = startDate;
    this.endDate    = endDate;
    this.HKWorkoutActivityTypes = HKWorkoutActivityTypes;

Constructs ordinary JavaScript date object to use with workout

startDate = new Date(); 
endDate = new Date();

Sample workout

var workout = new Workout(500, 2000, startDate, endDate, "HKWorkoutActivityTypes");

Saves a workout.

mod.saveWorkout(workout, function(res){
	if (res.success == 1){
		// workout was saved correctly
		// something went wrong, possibly due to no write permission 


Javascript Support functions

function xcodeDate(d){
    return d.getFullYear() + "-" + (d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d.getDate() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds();



Healthkit as a Titanium module



Language:Objective-C 77.1%Language:Python 21.0%Language:JavaScript 2.0%