maurelian / eth-registrar-ens

JS binding for the Initial ENS Registrar

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.ETH Registrar ENS

The ENS is a decentralized name service hosted on the Ethereum blockchain, providing censorship and DOS resistant registration of human readable names.

This package is intended to simplify interaction, and dapp development, with the Ethereum Name Service's (ENS) initial auction registrar.


npm install eth-registrar-ens

Example usage:

var Registrar = require('eth-registrar-ens');
var Web3 = require('web3');
var ENS = require('ethereum-ens');

var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));

var ens = new ENS(web3)

var registrar = new Registrar(web3, ens, 'eth', 7,
  function (err, txid) {

All methods in this module which use web3 to communicate with an ethereum node support the same optionally-asynchronous pattern as web3. When a callback is provided, the function returns nothing, but instead calls the callback with (err, result) when the operation completes.

Synchronous calls are useful for talking to a contract in the REPL, but dapp developers should use only asynchronous calls in order to support light clients like Metamask.

Functions that create transactions also accept an optional options object. This object has the same parameters as web3's transaction object.



Constructs a new Registrar instance, providing an easy-to-use interface to the Auction Registrar, which governs the .eth namespace.


  • web3 object A web3 instance to use to communicate with the blockchain.
  • address address The address of the registrar.
  • minLength integer?= 7 The minimum length of a name require by the registrar.
  • tld string?= 'eth' The top level domain
  • ens string?= new ENS(web3) The address of the ENS instance
  • callback


var registrar = new Registrar(web3, ens, 'eth', 7,
  function (err, txid) {

Returns string The registrar address


  • author: Maurelian
  • license: LGPL


Get the "mode" of a name

For the registrar contract deployed to Ropsten a given name can be in one of 4 modes: Open, Auction, Owned, Forbidden

The mainnet registrar as currently designed can be in one of 5 modes: Open, Auction, Reveal, Owned, Forbidden.


  • name string The name to start an auction on
  • params object An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.
  • status
  • registrationDate
  • deed


var name = 'foobarbaz';
registrar.openAuction(name, { from: accounts[0], gas: 4700000 },
  function (err, result) {

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Get the properties of a Deed at a given address.

This method is used in the getEntry method, but also available on its own.


  • address string The address of the deed
  • callback

Returns object A deed object


Get the properties of the entry for a given a name.


  • input string The name or hash to get the entry for
  • callback function An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.


registrar.getEntry('insurance', function (err, result) {
// { name: 'insurance',
//   hash: '0x73079a5cb4c7d259f40c6d0841629e689d2a95b85883b371e075ffb2f329c3e1',
//   status: 2,
//   deed:
//    { address: '0x268e06911ba1ddc9138b355f9b42711abbc6eaec',
//      balance: { s: 1, e: 18, c: [Object] },
//      creationDate: { s: 1, e: 9, c: [Object] },
//      owner: '0x8394a052eb6c32fb9defcaabc12fcbd8fea0b8a8' },
//   registrationDate: 1481108206,
//   value: 5000000000000000000,
//   highestBid: 11100000000000000000,
//   mode: 'owned' }

Returns object An Entry object


Open an auction for the desired name

This method uses the registrar's startAuctions function to opens an auction for the given name, and several other randomly generated hashes, helping to prevent other bidders from guessing which of the hashes you are interested in.


  • name string The name to start an auction on
  • randomHashes array An array of hashes to obscure the desired hash.
  • params object?= {} An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function?= null An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.


var name = 'foobarbaz';
registrar.openAuction(name, { from: accounts[0], gas: 4700000 },
  function (err, result) {

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Construct a Bid object.

The properties of the Bid object correspond to the inputs of the registrar contract's 'shaBid' function. When a bid is submitted, these values should be saved so that they can be used to reveal the bid params later.


  • name string The name to be bid on
  • owner string An owner address
  • value number The value of your bid in wei
  • secret secret An optional random value
  • callback


myBid = registrar.bidFactory(
  web3.toWei(2, 'ether'),

Returns object A bid object containing the parameters of the bid required to unseal the bid.


Submit a sealed bid and deposit.

Uses the registrar's newBid function to submit a bid given an object created by the 'bidFactory'.


  • bid object A Bid object.
  • randomHashes array An array of hashes to obscure the desired hash.
  • params object?= {} An optional transaction object to pass to web3. The value sent must be at least as much as the bid value.
  • callback function?= null An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.


myBid = registrar.bidFactory(
  web3.toWei(2, 'ether'),

     { from: accounts[0], value: web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), gas: 4700000 },
     function (err, result) { console.log(result)}

Returns any The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Unseal your bid during the reveal period

During the reveal period of the auction, you must submit the parameters of a bid The registrar contract will generate the bid string, and associate the bid parameters with the previously submitted bid string and deposit. If you have not already submitted a bid string, the registrar will throw. If your bid is revealed as the current highest; the difference between your deposit and bid value will be returned to you, and the previous highest bidder will have their funds returned. If you are not the highest bidder, all your funds will be returned. Returns are sent to the owner address listed on the bid.


  • bid string A bid object
  • params object?= {} An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function?= null An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.


registrar.unsealBid(myBid, { from: accounts[1], gas: 4700000 }, function (err, result) {

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Verify that your bid has been successfully revealed

Returns a boolean indicating if a bid object, as generated by bidFactory, is revealed or not. // TODO: Make this example async


  • bid string A bid object
  • callback function An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.



Returns boolean Whether or not the bid was revealed.


Finalize the auction

After the registration date has passed, this method calls the registrar's finalizeAuction function to set the winner as the owner of the corresponding ENS subnode.


  • name string
  • params object?= {} An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function?= null An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.


registrar.finalizeAuction('foobarbaz', { from: accounts[1], gas: 4700000 },
  function (err, result) {

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


The owner of a domain may transfer it, and the associated deed, to someone else at any time.


  • name string The name to transfer
  • newOwner string The address to transfer ownership to.
  • options object An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function?= null An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.
  • params (optional, default {})


registrar.transfer('foobarbaz', accounts[2] { from: accounts[1], gas: 4700000 },
  function (err, result) {

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Not yet implemented After one year, the owner can release the property and get their ether back


  • name string The name to release
  • options object An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Not yet implemented Submit a name 6 characters long or less. If it has been registered, the submitter will earn a portion of the deed value, and the name will be updated


  • name string An invalid name to search for in the registry.
  • options object An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function?= null An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.
  • params (optional, default {})

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Transfers the deed to the current registrar, if different from this one. Used during the upgrade process to a permanent registrar.


  • name The name to transfer.
  • options object An optional transaction object to pass to web3.
  • callback function An optional callback; if specified, the function executes asynchronously.

Returns string The transaction ID if callback is not supplied.


Shuffles array in place. ES6 version


  • a Array items The array containing the items.


JS binding for the Initial ENS Registrar

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%