maujin111 / Dotto

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LibreSprite Dotto!

Linux x86_64 CI Windows i686 CI MacOS x86_64 CI

Funding / Contributing

For the time being, this project is fuelled purely by the power of the stars. As in, github stars. We use them to light and heat the crates we keep our codegnomes in. As of this writing, the repo has 21 stars to its 390 commits, so we still have plenty of gnomes coding in cold, dark crates, which is a problem in the winter. Since they don't want to freeze their little gnomefingers off, the exchange rate is currently set to 5 commits per star.

So, if you want to contribute to the project but don't know how to code, feel free to give the repo a star. Think of the codegnomes.

Stability Notice

This project is still in early stages of development and problems are to be expected. Instead of filing an issue here, it is faster and more productive to reach out over Discord/Matrix.

Version Roadmap

Number Notes
0.5 Preview release with basic image editing support
1.0 First stable release focused on static image editing
2.0 Polish based on feedback from previous releases
3.0 Animation Support
4.0 Additional platforms support (Android / iOS)

Feature Roadmap

Feature Status Version Notes
Themes support OK 0.5
Scripting support OK 0.5
Internationalization OK 0.5
OpenGL Hardware acceleration OK 1.0
x86/64 Linux OK 0.5
x86/64 Windows OK 0.5
x86_64 MacOS OK 0.5
Nintendo 3DS OK 1.0 Will probably require specific theme
Raspberry Pi 4 support OK 1.0
Undo / Redo OK 0.5
Copy + Paste Planned 0.5 Waiting for selection support
Resize Sprite Planned 0.5
Crop Sprite Planned 0.5 Waiting for selection support
Pencil tool OK 0.5
Pencil shapes/sizes OK 0.5
Pencil blending modes Planned 1.0
Line smoothing Basic 1.0
Eraser tool OK 0.5
Text tool Planned 1.0
Selection Internal only 0.5 Selections implemented but inaccessible to user
Rectangular Selection tool Planned 0.5
Wand Selection tool Planned 0.5
Dither tool Planned 2.0
Fill Bucket OK 0.5
Fill Bucket blending Planned 0.5
Gradient tool Planned 2.0
Layers support Partial 0.5
Layer groups Planned 2.0
Layer masks Planned 2.0
Layer blending Planned 0.5
Layer alpha OK 0.5
Image Filter support OK 0.5
Drop Shadow filter OK 0.5
Solarize Planned 2.0
Sobel edge-detection Planned 2.0
Mirror image OK 0.5
Flip image OK 0.5
Curves adjustment Planned 1.0
Salt and Pepper filter Planned 2.0
2D Fast Fourier Transform Planned 2.0
Load Dotto format Planned 0.5
Load PNG, BMP, GIF, JPEG OK 0.5 Using libpng and SDL2_image
Load LBM, PCX, PNM, SVG OK 0.5 Using SDL2_image
Load TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF OK 0.5 Using SDL2_image
Load XPM, XV OK 0.5 Using SDL2_image
Load QOI OK 0.5 Using qoi.h
Save QOI OK 0.5 Using qoi.h
Save PNG OK 0.5 Using libpng
Save JPEG OK 0.5 Using SDL2_image
Save Dotto format Planned 0.5
Palette editor Planned 0.5
Online Palette browser Planned 1.0
Online Resource/Script browser Planned 1.0
eXPerience theme In Progress 0.5 Windows XP-inspired skin
Futuretro theme In Progress 0.5 Dark pixelart skin
Touchscreen-specific theme Planned 2.0
Non-destructive Layer Filters Planned 3.0
Commandline interface Planned 3.0
Animation support Planned 3.0
Android support Planned 4.0



Install dependencies:

  • Arch-based distros: pacman -S make sdl2 sdl2_image lua v8-r lcms2

  • Debian-based distros: sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev liblcms2-dev liblua5.3-dev libfreetype6-dev libnode-dev

Checkout project:

git clone


cd Dotto

If you are using GCC version 8 or less, you will probably get errors like this one: Folder.cpp:(.text+0x274): undefined reference to std::filesystem::__cxx11::path::_M_split_cmpts()' To fix this, use:

make OLDGCC=true

If Dotto compiles fine but you are getting a crash on startup, it might be due to outdated/buggy libraries. After a make clean, try compiling again with:


If you are trying to run Dotto under VirtualBox and all you see is a glitched window, you need to disable 3D acceleration in the VM settings. Dotto requires functioning OpenGL 3.3 to work.

If you want to make a debug build for development, use:

make DEBUG=true


Install MSYS2.

Initial setup: Open the MSYS2 shell and run:

pacman -Syu
pacman -S base-devel git mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-openssl mingw-w64-i686-v8  mingw-w64-i686-SDL2  mingw-w64-i686-SDL2_image  mingw-w64-i686-lcms2  mingw-w64-i686-lua  mingw-w64-i686-freetype mingw-w64-i686-glew
git clone


Run the Mingw32 shell (C:/msys64/mingw32.exe).

cd Dotto
make DEBUG=false


Initial setup:

brew install sdl2 sdl2_image lcms2 lua freetype v8 openssl


PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig" make DEBUG=false
chmod +x dotto

Nintendo 3DS

  • Install devkitpro
  • Install dependencies: devkitARM, citro3d, 3ds-sdl, 3ds-sdl_image, 3ds-zlib, 3ds-lz4, 3ds-libpng
  • Compile: make -j 4 -f Makefile.3ds
  • Upload the resulting Dotto.elf.3dsx to your 3DS.
  • Create a folder called dotto in the root of your SD card.
  • Copy the data folder into the dotto folder (/dotto/data/).


License:MIT License


Language:C 80.7%Language:C++ 18.8%Language:JavaScript 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Roff 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Objective-C++ 0.0%Language:Lua 0.0%