matudelatower / ubicacion-bundle

Bundle Symfony para país, provincia y localidad con datos en fixtures de Argentina

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Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require matudelatower/ubicacion-bundle 2.0

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new Matudelatower\UbicacionBundle\UbicacionBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3: Configure

# app/config/config.yml

    base_template: your_layout_base.html.twig

Step 4: Update database

$ php app/console doc:sch:update --dump-sql

to dump the SQL statements to the screen

Step 5: Load Fixtures

$ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Step 6: Import UbicacionBundle routing files

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@UbicacionBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /ubicacion


If you want to use País, provincia, departamento, localidad dependent combo widget use in your form:

//your YourBundle/Form/Type/YourForm
use Matudelatower\UbicacionBundle\Form\Type\MatudelatowerLocalidadType;


public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

       ->add('localidad', new MatudelatowerLocalidadType())

and in your view include

{% include '@Ubicacion/Default/matudelatower_ubicacionbundle.js.twig' %}



  • País, provincia, departamento, localidad dependent combo widget.


Bundle Symfony para país, provincia y localidad con datos en fixtures de Argentina

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 98.8%Language:HTML 1.1%Language:JavaScript 0.1%