mattyoung / spinner

Powerful Swift CLI Spinners

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


carbon (3)

  • Over 80 built-in spinner patterns
  • Create custom spinners patterns
  • Customise the spinners format
  • Handy built-in completion functions (success, error, warning, info)
  • Time your spinner and display its duration
  • Apply colors with the use of rainbow
  • Use a custom SpinnerStream for output


Install via the Swift Package Manger by declaring Spinner as a dependency in your projects Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

Getting Started

import Foundation
import Spinner

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")
sleep(2) // do work


Creating a spinner

Create a spinner by initializing an instance of the Spinner class.

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")

The Spinner() class ins accepts optional arguments that customise the spinner.

Initialize spinner
- Parameter pattern: spinner pattern
- Parameter message: message to render
- Parameter color: spinner pattern color
- Parameter speed: speed of spinner animation
- Parameter format: spinner format
- Parameter stream: output steam for spinner
- Parameter signal: signal trap implementation for spinner
public init(_ pattern: SpinnerPattern, _ message: String = "", color: Color = .default, speed: Double? = nil, format: String = "{S} {T}", stream: SpinnerStream? = nil, signal: SpinnerSignal? = nil)

Start the spinner

Call the Spinner.start() function to start the spinner animation. This will also call the SpinnerStream.hideCursor() function to hide the cursor.

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")

Stop the spinner

Call the Spinner.stop() function to stop the spinner animation. This will also call the SpinnerStream.showCursor() function to show the cursor.

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")

The Spinner.stop() function accepts optional arguments that customise its behaviour.

Stop the spinner
- Parameter frame: final frame to render before stopping
- Parameter message: final message to render before stopping
- Parameter color: final frame color
- Parameter terminator: the string to print after all items have been printed
public func stop(frame: String? = nil, message: String? = nil, color: Color? = nil, terminator: String = "\n")

Clear the spinner

The Spinner.clear() function is a helper function that stops and clears the spinner. Its implementation uses Spinner.stop() under the hood.

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")

Helper functions

Helper functions that implement Spinner.stop() under the hood are provided for common tasks.

Stop and clear the spinner
public func clear()

Stop and render a green tick for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func success(_ message: String? = nil)
Stop and render a red cross for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func error(_ message: String? = nil)
Stop and render a yellow warning symbol for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func warning(_ message: String? = nil)
Stop and render a blue information sign  for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func info(_ message: String? = nil)

Updating the spinner while animating

Functions are provided to update the spinner while animating.

Update spinner pattern
- Parameter pattern: spinner pattern
public func pattern(_ pattern: SpinnerPattern)
Update spinner message
- Parameter message: message to render
public func message(_ message: String)
Update spinner animation speed
- Parameter speed: speed of spinner animation
public func speed(_ speed: Double)
Update spinner pattern color
- Parameter color: spinner pattern color
public func color(_ color: Color)
Update spinner format
- Parameter format: spinner format
public func format(_ format: String)

Spinner patterns

Customise the spinner render format

To the spinner the Spinner.format string is taken as a base and occurrences of keys are replaced to generate the rendered spinner.

  • {S} renders the animated pattern
  • {T} renders the message
  • {D} renders the duration of since starting the spinner
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", format : "{T} - {S}") // foo bar baz - ⠧

Timing the spinners duration

Use a custom Spinner.format string that includes {D} in order to render the duration of time since starting the spinner animation

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", format: "{D} {T} - {S}") // 8s ⠧ foo bar baz

Creating Custom Patterns

The SpinnerPattern() enum initializer to create a spinner pattern with an array of strings.

let pattern = SpinnerPattern(frames: ["1","2","3","4","5"])
let spinner = Spinner(pattern, "foo bar baz", speed: 0.3) // 1 foo bar baz


Spinner wraps output logic in a SpinnerStream protocol. This library provides the StdOutSpinnerStream class that implements to writing to STDOUT.

struct SwiftCLISpinnerStream: SpinnerStream {
    private let _stdout: WritableStream
    init(stdout: WritableStream) {
        _stdout = stdout

    func write(string: String, terminator: String) {
        _stdout.write(string, terminator: terminator)

    func hideCursor() {
        _stdout.write("\u{001B}[?25l", terminator: "")

    func showCursor() {
        _stdout.write("\u{001B}[?25h", terminator: "")

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", stream: SwiftCLISpinnerStream(stdout: stdout))


In order to handle process interrupts (for example, SIGINT through ctrl+c) a signal handler is used to show the user's cursor before exiting. This library provides a SpinnerSignal protocol and a DefaultSpinnerSignal structure that handles this functionality by default. If this conflicts with other signals in use, a custom implementation of SpinnerSignal can be provided. See IBM-Swift/BlueSignals for a clean and safe way of handling signals. The appropriate signal handler for your project could look something like:

struct CustomSpinnerSignal: SpinnerSignal {
    func trap() {
        Signals.trap(signal: .int) { _ in
            // print("\u{001B}[?25h", terminator: "")
            // exit(0)

let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", signal: CustomSpinnerSignal())


Powerful Swift CLI Spinners

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%