mattyait / terraform-aws-ecr

Terraform module for AWS ECR

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AWS ECR Module

AWS ECR Module which creates

  • KMS Key encryption
  • ECR lifecycle
  • ECR policy


module "ecr" {
    source  = "mattyait/ecr/aws"
    version = "1.0.0"

    image_names = [

    scan_on_push         = true
    image_tag_mutability = "IMMUTABLE"

    max_untagged_image_count = 5
    max_tagged_image_count   = 50
    protected_tags      = ["latest"]

    tags = {  
        Environment = "demo"
        Created_By  = "Terraform"


Name Version
terraform >=1.0.3
aws ~> 4.31.0


Name Version
aws ~> 4.31.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy.this resource
aws_ecr_repository.this resource
aws_ecr_repository_policy.this resource
aws_kms_alias.kms_key_alias resource
aws_kms_key.kms_key resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.only_pull data source
aws_iam_policy_document.push_and_pull data source


Name Description Type Default Required
encryption_type The encryption type to use for the repository. Valid values are AES256 or KMS string "AES256" no
image_names List of Docker local image names, used as repository names for AWS ECR list(string) [] no
image_tag_mutability Whether images are allowed to overwrite existing tags. string "MUTABLE" no
kms_key The ARN of the KMS key to use when encryption_type is KMS. If not specified when encryption_type is KMS, uses a new KMS key. Otherwise, uses the default AWS managed key for ECR. string null no
max_tagged_image_count The maximum number of tagged images that you want to retain in repository. number 30 no
max_untagged_image_count The maximum number of untagged images that you want to retain in repository. number 1 no
only_pull_accounts AWS accounts which pull only. list(string) [] no
protected_tags Name of image tags prefixes that should not be destroyed. list(string)
push_and_pull_accounts AWS accounts which push and pull. list(string) [] no
scan_on_push Whether images should automatically be scanned on push or not. bool false no
tags The tags for the resources map(any) {} no


Name Description
ecr_repository_arn Full ARN of the repository.
ecr_repository_name Name of first repository created
ecr_repository_registry_id The registry ID where the repository was created.
ecr_repository_url URL of first repository created
repository_arn_map Map of repository names to repository ARNs
repository_url_map Map of repository names to repository URLs