mattma / real-app

A native mobile client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A native mobile client

Installation Requirement

  1. Node.js

Note: Using nvm, Node version manager, is highly recommended. It is simple to install and manage your system Node version over the official Node.js installation.

  1. yarn
npm install -g yarn
  1. nativescript
npm install -g nativescript
tns --version
  1. CocoaPods
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod --version
  1. Install latest xCode

Getting start guide

# Step 1: Clone the repo
git clone ./For\ Real

# Step 2: Go into the repo folder
cd For\ Real/

# Step 3: Install module dependencies

# Step 4: Create project on iOS, copy templatt files, load up medias
tns prepare ios

# Step 5: Launch in iOS simulator
tns run ios --emulator

# Development ONLY, live reload and code change on the fly
# npm start

Font Icons support

  1. Font Awesome Current version v4.6.3

Use UniCode to represent an icon. &#x ; wrap the actual UniCode in text property.

<Button text="&#xf1e2;" class="fa"></Button>
  1. IonIcons Current version v2.0.1
<Button text="&#xf14b;" class="ion"></Button>

Upgrade Path

  • Upgrade NativeScript binary (optional)

You do not need to update the binary every time. If I upgrade our project to a newer version of NativeScript binary, you need to do this step.

Note: Open terminal app, execute the command below. Then follow the on-screen questionnaire, it has many questions that you need to answer. In general, it will take around 3 to 5 minutes, so please be patient.

npm install -g nativescript
  • Get latest application

Note: Anything with # is the command description, you should copy the command and paste into terminal app to execute it one by one.

# It should be whatever the folder that contains the application
cd ~/desktop/client

# Get the latest commit from Github repository
git pull origin master

# Cleanup the folder, always start from the clean state
npm run clean

# Install all required packages

# Start the iOS simulator. Application should be bootstrapped and opened in your iOS simulator
npm start

Running unit tests

Coming soon!


A native mobile client


Language:TypeScript 48.2%Language:CSS 40.7%Language:HTML 11.1%