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Useful applications for macOS
software description
1Passwort ...
Addigy Addigy helps IT securely manage all Apple devices with our true SaaS solution designed for the modern workforce.
ADept DEP Enrolment Setup Screen
Airmail ...
Affinity Designer ...
Affinity Photo ...
Apparency ...
AppBlocker Block applications by their bundle identifier from launching in the Finder
Apple Configurator 2 ...
Apple Remote Desktop ...
ApplePi-Baker Tool to create OS for raspberry
Ansible Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform.
AutoDMG Create deployable system images from OS X installer
AutoImagrNBI AutoCasperNBI variant for use with Imagr
AutoPkg Automating packaging and software distribution on OS X.
AutoPkgr AutoPkgr is a free Mac app that makes it easy to install and configure AutoPkg. A tool to automate (or not) the building and customization of Apple NetInstall Images.
BananaEndocarp BananaEndocarp is a scripted GUI for interacting with MunkiWebAdmin2's API.
Baseline An MDM agnostic zero touch solution
BlackHole BlackHole is a modern macOS virtual audio driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
Caffeine ...
Chef Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform.
CIS-Script This CIS Script is build to report and remediate based on the your organisation score.
CIS-for-macOS-High-Sierra-CP CIS for macOS High Sierra - Script and Configuration Profile Remediation
create-dmg Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds
Cakebrew The Mac App for Homebrew.
Crypt Crypt 2 is an authorization plugin that will enforce FileVault 2
CronniX CronniX is an Aqua frontend to the powerful Unix tool "cron".
DeleteAllPrinters Delete all Printers via Script
DeployStudio Image. Deploy. Configure.
DEPNotify DEPNotify is a small light weight notification app that was designed to let your users know what's going on during a DEP enrollment.
DEPNotify-Starter DBash script to start DEPNotify and run policies during enrollment with Jamf Pro.
Desktoppr Simple command line tool to set the desktop picture on macOS.
dialog-scriptsc Scripts with leverage Bart Reardon's swiftDialog
DiskMaker X ...
DMGcanvas Stylized disk images made easy.
Docker Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere
DropDMG ...
dockutil command line tool for managing dock items here
erase-install A script that automates downloading macOS installers and erasing or upgrading macOS in a single process. IP Network Scanner
Extract App Resource Icons Extract App Resource Icons with AppleScript IP Network Scanner
firmware_password_manager A Python script to help Macintosh administrators manage the firmware passwords of their computers.
first-boot A script that will build a package containing packages for first installation at first boot
gon Sign, notarize, and package macOS CLI tools and applications written in any language. Available as both a CLI and a Go library.
gorilla Munki-like Application Management for Windows
GPG Suite ...
Hancock Signs files, such as .mobileconfigs, using a identity from your keychain
Hello-IT Self support apps provided by IT services to end users.
[Hexnode MDM Scripts](
) Sample Script Repository.
homebrew The missing package manager for macOS
hyper A terminal built on web technologies
Iceberg ...
Imagr Imagr is an application designed to be run from a NetInstall environment created with AutoNBI.
ImagrAdmin ImagrAdmin is a GUI application for macOS to update and create configuration plists for Imagr.
imapsync IMAP tool for syncing, copying and migrating email mailboxes between two imap servers, one way, and without duplicates.
imazing A tool for creating mobileconfig profiles
InstallApplications A tool for dynamically using installapplication
InstallApplications Demo a demo repo for InstallApplications
InstallApplications Swiftly Swift successor to InstallApplications
Installomator Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs. MDM script
iStat Menus ...
iThoughtX ...
Jamf-Device-Migrator Script to help migrate from one Jamf server to another Jamf server.
jss-filevault-reissue A framework for re-escrowing missing or invalid FileVault keys with Jamf Pro.
LabWarden MacOS management tool for installing printers, applications and enforcing custom user and workstation policies
LaunchControl Create, manage and debug launchd(8) services.
Lilu Arbitrary kext and process patching on macOS
LoginLog Display a log window over the login window.
LowProfile A Mac utility to help inspect Apple Configuration Profile payloads.
Luficer Tiny daemon to dim the MacBook keyboard backlight after inactivity
Kandji MDM The modern Apple MDM.
Keka ...
mac_admin Helpful scripts & configuration profiles for the Mac admin community
Mac-CLI macOS command line tools for developers
MacModelShelf A small Python module that gives you nice human readable Macintosh model names, e.g. "iMac (27-inch, Late 2009)", when given a serial number or model code.
macnamer A Django web app and Mac script to update a Mac's name.
macOS-icon-generator App for macOS which is designed to generate consistent sized icons.
macOSUpgrade Workflow for doing in-place upgrades.
macOSLAPS Swift binary that will change a local administrator password to a random generated password. Similar behavior to LAPS for Windows. docu for Jamf
MacPass ...
MacTracker ...
MacUserGenerator A utility that assists in automating the creation of macOS User Accounts.
Magnet ...
MagicPrefs MagicPrefs plugins
make-profile-pkg Automate building and integrating OS X installer packages to install Configuration Profiles.
MakeMeAnAdmin Provides temporary admin access for a standard user via Jamf Self Service
Margarita Web frontend for reposado
Mate: Universal Tab Translator ...
mcxToProfile Automate building and integrating OS X installer packages to install Configuration Profiles.
microMDM macOS MDM and related services
microMDM-ui MicroMDM UI Is a Web UI front end for MicroMDM
mist A Mac utility that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers.
mist-cli A Mac command-line tool that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers.
montereyblocker Block macOS Monterey installer app from launching on macOS Big Sur or Catalina.
moroz Moroz is a Santa server
mosyle Profiles Command attributes and custom commands to use with Mosyle MDM
Munin Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool.
munki Managed software installation for OS X
munki-pkg Repo for the munkipkg tool and example projects
MunkiAdmin OS X GUI for managing Munki repositories
munkireport A reporting tool for munki
Munki Generic Icons Copies a generic icon to Munki items with no icons
munki-reband Script to rebrand Munki's Managed Software Center, manual
Munki-Manifest-Selector A script+application that provides the selection of a Munki manifest template as part of a Deploy Studio workflow.
Node.js Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
NoMad macOS menu bar application that provides all the functionality of being bound to AD, and more, without having to be bound.
NBICreator OS X Application to create NetInstall images.
NetSUS NetBoot and Software Update Server
Notarize Notarization status monitoring tool for macOS, supporting multiple developer accounts.
Notifier Swift project which can post macOS alert or banner notifications on 10.10+ clients.
Nudge A tool to help users with pre-existing devices upgrade their OS version.
Numi Beautiful calculator app for Mac.
Octory Octory is a highly customizable and elegant macOS application to onboard, support and watch over your users on their Mac. Link to the documentation.
Office-Reset Office-Reset is a free downloadable tool that you can use to fix problems and errors encountered with Microsoft Office for Mac apps.
OSXAuditor OS X Auditor is a free Mac OS X computer forensics tool.
Outset Automatically process packages, profiles, and scripts during boot, login, or on demand.
Pacifist ...
Packages ...
Paket Sender Packet Sender is for sending / receiving of network packets.
Payload-Free-Package-Creatorio Payload-Free Package is an Automator application that uses AppleScript, shell scripting and pkgbuild behind the scenes to create payload-free packages.
Pixelmator ...
Platypus Create Mac applications from command line scripts
Power Manager Power Manager lets you automate sophisticated tasks and improve your Mac's power management.
PPPC-Utility Privacy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC) Utility
PkgsCleaner Read PKGs file, return uninstall-script
ProfileCreator macOS Application to create standard or customized configuration profiles.
ProfileManifestsMirror About Jamf JSON schema manifests automatically generated from ProfileCreator manifests.
ProfilSigner ProfileSigner is a Python script that will encrypt and/or sign a .mobileconfig profile.
printer-pkginfo Creates a nopkg style pkginfo file to install a printer with Munki.
PrinterGenerator Generate specific pkginfos for printers with nopkg method
Privileges For Mac users in an Enterprise environment, this app gives the User control over administration of their machine by elevating their level of access to Administrator privileges on macOS.
pycreateuserpkg Python tool to create macOS packages that create user accounts
pyLoginItems python module for manipulating user login items (when run as the user)
quickpkg wrapper for pkgbuild to quickly build simple packages from an installed app, a dmg or zip archive.
Recipe Robot A kick ass tool for creating AutoPkg recipes
ReEnroller Migrate macOS devices from one Jamf Server to another.
reposado Host Apple Software Updates on the hardware and OS of your choice.
restor Restor is a user-friendly application to (mass) image macOS computers from a single source
rEFIt rEFIt is a boot menu and maintenance toolkit for EFI-based machines like the Intel Macs
rtrouton_scripts useful scripts
Sal Modular reporting for Munki
Santa A binary whitelisting/blacklisting system for Mac OS X
ScreenNudge A tool for prompting users to approve Screen Recording on macOS.
ScreenSharingMonitor A process for end user notifications of screen sharing session starts and ends
Secretive Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
ScriptRepo Repository of scripts used for macOS management
Sequel Pro Sequel Pro is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL & MariaDB databases.
Secretive Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave.
SimplePySSH Lightweight module for executing and reading output from simple commands on remote machines via SSH using only built-in modules.
smcFanControl Control Intel Mac fans to make them run cooler.
Sloth Mac app that shows all open files, directories, sockets, pipes and devices in use by all running processes. Nice GUI for lsof.
SplashBuddy Onboarding splash screen for Jamf Pro. Improves DEP provisioning for macOS.
Step Two Simple two-step verification
super S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. optimizes the macOS software update experience.
SuperDuper Full Backup Tool
sus-inspector Inspect Apple software update service.
Suspicious Package An Application for Inspecting macOS Installer Packages.
swiftDialog Create user-notifications on macOS with swiftDialog.
tart macOS and Linux VMs on Apple Silicon to use in CI and other automations.
terminal-notifier Send User Notifications on Mac OS X 10.8 from the command-line.
Things ...
TRex Copy any text on your screen, stop retyping.
Tunnelblick OpenVPN Client for macOS
Typeeto ...
Tyme2 ...
Umad [U]niversal [M]DM [A]pproval [D]ialog
VirtualBox ...
WhereAmI A quick command line tool for OS X to get your geographic coordinates using the CoreLocation framework.
Xcreds Log in to your Mac with your Cloud Password.
WineBottler Run Windows-based Programs on a Mac.
Wireshark network protocol analyzer.
Yo Send Notification Center messages from the command line.
Useful links for macOS admins
links description
Apple Exchange and Repair Extension Programs This page lists all programs currently offered by Apple, including Replacement programs, Exchange programs, Repair Extension programs and Recalls.
Apple Software Download ...
Apple Software OpenSource ...
Apple Certified Professionals Registry ...
Apple Training and Certification ...
Apple Exchange + Repair Extension Programm ...
Conf: MacAD Mac Admin & Developer Conference UK
Conf: MacAdmins Conference at Penn State MacAdmins Conference at Penn State
Conf: MacSysAdmin MacSysAdmin is the forum for Mac & iOS Administrators
Conf: MacTechPro ... Unveil hidden Mac OS X (macOS) Features
dotfiles Your unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub.
Der Flounder Seldom updated, occasionally insightful.
krypted Tiny Deathstars of Foulness. krypted on github
krypted: command line system information command line system information
letsencrypt Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority.
macadmininfo a resource for beginning and experienced mac/apple administrators.
macadmins OSS projects for Mac Admins (Docker, management)
macadminscripts Miscellaneous scripts for mac admins
maclovin Super Good stuff for Mac & iOS Lovers
macscripts A collection of random Mac scripts
MacTricksAndTip Video tips channel
Mosens Profiledocs Welcome to MacAdmins Profile Reference’s documentation!
Open Source macOS apps wesome list of open source applications for macOS.
OSX Collector A forensic evidence collection & analysis toolkit for OS X here
Packaging for Apple Administrators ...
Puppeteer Headless Chrome Node.js API
Python Macadmin Tools List of open-source Python-based Mac sysadmin tools
Scripting OS X #! is not a curse word
The Chromium Projects The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS, respectively.
Web: macOS SSH Key Saving SSH keys in macOS Sierra keychain
other macOSs Click on the link to get older macOSs
macOS Sierra Click on the link to get macOS Sierra (10.12.6)
macOS High Sierra Click on the link to get macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)
macOS Mojave Click on the link to get macOS Mojave (10.14.x)
macOS Catalina Click on the link to get macOS Mojave (10.15.x)
macOS BigSur Click on the link to get macOS Mojave (11.x)
Uber Eng ...
Useful tools for DevOps admins
software description
Kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
aws-azure-login Use Azure AD SSO to log into the AWS via CLI.
dex OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity and OAuth 2.0 provider with pluggable connectors
komodor Automate Kubernetes Troubleshooting.
saml2aws CLI tool which enables you to log in and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
ToolJet Extensible low-code framework for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. 🚀
Portainer Build and manage your Docker environments with ease today.
zentral Zentral is an open-source solution for infrastructure monitoring and endpoint event stream processing.
Useful links for Microsoft admins
name description
Apple URL Scheme Reference This document describes several URL schemes that are supported by system apps on iOS, macOS, and watchOS 2 and later.
Azure Active Directory Webinar Community ...
Azure Mentor For Microsoft Azure Practitioners
Bittan Migrate mailboxes, documents, and more to Office 365, Exchange, and G Suite with MigrationWiz.
Google Chrome PKG Google Chrome PKG for Intune
Firefox PKG Firefox PKG for Intune
Azure Feedback This forum (General Feedback) is used for any broad feedback related to Azure.
Intune Troubleshooting Intune Troubleshooting
krypted The-Apple-Toolchain
Microsoft Endpoint Manager Intune Feedback Suggestion box powered by UserVoice
Microsoft 365 Roadmap Get the latest updates
Microsoft Office docu Office documentation for admins and IT professionals
Service plan IDs for licensing Product names and service plan identifiers for licensing
MSEndpointMgr Intune Microsoft Intune scripts, website
Microsoft Store app download Microsoft Store app download.
samltest SAMLtest is a free SAML 2.0 testing service.
Dynamic group rule syntax Dynamic membership rules for groups in Azure Active Directory
macosxbytes ...
timmyit Timmy Andersson, Senior consultant at CTGlobal, Microsoft Enterprise Mobility MVP
inthecloud247 INTUNE, EMS, OFFICE 365, MICROSOFT 365, AZURE
practical365 to provide relevant, actionable advice on all things Microsoft, straight from the experts themselves.
thelazyadministrator finding ways to do the most work with the least effort possible
petervanderwoude Peter blogs about Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune and more
o365reports All About Office 365
CIAOPS Information about SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Azure, Mobility and Productivity from the Computer Information Agency
infrastrukturhelden Microsoft, Linux, Cloud und mehr
letsconfigmgr Microsoft, Linux, Cloud und mehr
teamsnation Together Everybody Achieves More
Tom Talks Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 news and opinions
Useful tools
software description
automatic-cloud-backup In here you find sample backup scripts for taking automatic Cloud backups from Atlassian JIRA or Confluence
Chocolatey The Package Manager for Windows
Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell ...
daloradius daloRADIUS is an advanced RADIUS web management application.
dd-wrt DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for routers.
Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers.
freeradius-oauth2-perl describes how to set up FreeRADIUS using rlm_perl to communicate with an OAuth2 identity provider.
Heimdall Heimdall is an elegant solution to organize all your web applications.
john John the Ripper jumbo - advanced offline password cracker, which supports hundreds of hash and cipher types, and runs on many operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, and even some FPGAs.
Local RTMP Streaming Server A simple RTMP server for macOS.
MakeMeAdmin Make Me Admin is a simple, open-source application for Windows that allows standard user accounts to be elevated to administrator-level, on a temporary basis.
MDS Deploy Intel and Apple Silicon Macs in Seconds
Munin Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool
n8n Workflow Automation Tool
Naemon Naemon is the new monitoring suite that aims to be fast, stable and innovative while giving you a clear view of the state of your network and applications.
Nodogsplash Nodogsplash offers a simple way to provide restricted access to an Internet connection using a captive portal. Pull requests are welcome!
OpenNMS is a free and open-source enterprise-grade network monitoring and network management platform.
OpenSense Secure Your Network with ease. From Virtual Private Networking to Intrusion Detection, Best in class, FREE Open Source Project.
OpenWrt The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices.
objective-see - Lulu is a free and open-source enterprise-grade network monitoring and network management platform.
otpspot Wireless hotspot with OTP captive portal.
qr-image Yet another QR code generator.
Shinken Shinken is a monitoring framework.
Zapier Connect your apps and automate workflows
name description
Alan Siu Munki Guide for Schools
Almen almen's MEM corner
Anoopcnair How to Manage Devices – HTMD #1 Blog
Appleshare Blog about Apple IT related matters
Aysiu Scripts that modify system preferences on Mac OS X
Clayton Burlison Github
DANIEL SELLERS A talented and accomplished mobile systems engineer and trainer with 18 years of experience.
Erik Gomez Blog
Graham Gilbert Github
Graham Walsh Blog
Greg Neagle Github
Hubert Maslowski Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Technical Blog
Jeff Schmertz's Blog - Microsoft MVP ...
macOS Adventures Journey through mac administration
HTMD blog Blog
MDM Tech Space by Joy Blog
Michael Rieder macOS Enterprise Blog
Mike Solin Github, for Profiles
Mikael Löfgren Github
Neil Martin Github
Nverse Lab Pushing the limits of Endpoint Management with Intune and Jamf
Oliver Kieselbach IT influenced by Cloud and modern infrastructure principals. Always managed and up to date. Working from everywhere without barriers. for Gitlab
Peter van der Woude Peter blogs about Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune and more
Robert I. Percival Github
rtrouton Github
techitout Blog
travellingtechguy Blog
