mattheys / iptv-handler

Exclude unwanted channels based on group and generate a new M3U file with proxied streams and attributes. Streams get proxied through a webserver running on the app. Xtream support.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Exclude unwanted channels based on group and generate a new M3U file with proxied streams and attributes. Updates the playlist on specified hourly frequency. Streams get proxied through a webserver running on the app. Support for XtreamCodes.



Get the generated .m3u file at /m3u

Settable environment variables

Variable Default Required Type Description
DATABASE_URL - Yes string Connection string to DB
M3U - Yes string URL to the M3U playlist (.m3u)
INIT_APP true No boolean Initialize app with M3U playlist from environment variable.
HOURLY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY 12 No number Frequency of provider playlist update in hours
GROUP_EXCLUDES - No string A comma separated list of groups to exclude from the final playlist. Case-insensitive.
PROXY_DOMAIN - Yes string Domain on which the app is running - to proxy m3u requests. (Example: localhost:3000)
ENV Development No string Set environment Development or Production.
PORT 3001 No number Port to run on (Default 3001)
RUST_LOG info Yes string Log level (warn,server=warn,iptv=info,api=warn rest-client=warn)
XTREAM_ENABLED false No boolean Enable Xtream
XTREAM_BASE_DOMAIN - No string Xtream provider base domain
XTREAM_USERNAME - No string Xtream provider username
XTREAM_PASSWORD - No string Xtream provider username
XTREAM_PROXIED_USERNAME - No string Proxied Xtream username
XTREAM_PROXIED_PASSWORD - No string Proxied Xtream password


Set required environment variables in and .env file and then run docker-compose up.

This will fire up a MariaDB container instance and create a new DB. Which in turn will create tables and basic data using sql files in the server -> db -> migrations folder.


To build and run a production docker image.

In src/server folder: docker build -t image:tag .

Create an external docker network with the name db and run your mariadb/mysql database there.

Example of production docker-compose.yml

version: '3.7'

    image: iptv-handler
    tty: true # color terminal output
      - "3001:3001"
    restart: always
      DATABASE_URL: mysql://username:password@db:3306/iptvhandler
      RUST_LOG: warn,server=info,iptv=debug
      GROUP_EXCLUDES: Music,Country,Cou
      PROXY_DOMAIN: myproxydomain.lan
      ENV: production
      XTREAM_ENABLE: "true"
      XTREAM_USERNAME: username
      XTREAM_PASSWORD: password
      XTREAM_PROXIED_USERNAME: my_new_username
      XTREAM_PROXIED_PASSWORD: my_new_password
      - db
    external: true


SQLX requirements for static type checking:

  • Needs to be named DATABASE_URL
  • Unfortunately have to have a common connection string for both docker container and host. Since IDE is running from host it needs access to db...
  • DATABASE_URL needs to be in .env file to work. Env variable in docker-compose does not work.
  • Add host.docker.internal to your hosts file if docker hasn't done that for you

Example: DATABASE_URL="mysql://db:db@host.docker.internal:3306/iptvhandler"


Exclude unwanted channels based on group and generate a new M3U file with proxied streams and attributes. Streams get proxied through a webserver running on the app. Xtream support.

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%