matthewturner / tiny

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Install Micronucleus

  1. Wire up development board according to numbers (Blank == P5)
  2. git clone
  3. Install usb driver
  4. Get AVRDude
  5. Expand-Archive ~\Downloads\ -DestinationPath ~/development/avrdude
  6. cd avrdude
  7. cp ..\micronucleus\firmware\releases\t85_default.hex
  8. ./avrdude -c usbtiny -p t85 -U flash:w:t85_default.hex -U lfuse:w:0xe1:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U efuse:w:0xfe:m
  9. Set upload_protocol = micronucleus in platformio.ini
  10. Upload code

Upload with programmer

  1. Wire up development board according to diagram
  2. Set upload_protocol = usbtiny in platformio.ini
  3. Upload code



Language:C++ 89.1%Language:C 10.9%