matthewpflueger / pulp

A build system and package manager for PureScript projects

Repository from Github https://github.commatthewpflueger/pulpRepository from Github https://github.commatthewpflueger/pulp


A build tool for PureScript.

Jarvis Cocker dancing


$ cabal install purescript
$ npm install -g pulp

Project Structure

The structure of a pulp project should look like this:

  - bower.json
  - src/
  - test/

Put your .purs source files in the src directory, and any tests you might have in the test directory.

Also, create a bower.json file (see pulp expects to find this file in the root of your project. You can invoke pulp from a subdirectory; if there is no bower.json to be found in the current directory, pulp will look through parent directories until it finds it.


pulp supports the following commands:

  • pulp install will install dependencies as given in the bower.json file. It essentially just invokes bower install.
  • pulp build invokes the PureScript compiler. Currently, it just compiles all .purs files in your src and dependencies into the target directory, which defaults to output.
  • pulp test runs your test suite: it expects a Test.Main package in the test directory, containing a main function, which is required and run using Node. It's expected that failing tests will cause the program to terminate with an error. Test.QuickCheck works well for this purpose.
  • pulp run will first run pulp build, then launch the compiled project code in a Node process. The entry point will be the main function in the module specified with the --main option, or, by default, the module Main.
  • pulp browserify also runs pulp build, then runs the project code through Browserify. The entry point is decided in the same way as with pulp run. You can specify an output file using --to; the default is to output the bundle to stdout, which is convenient for doing things like pulp browserify | uglifyjs -c.

Watch and restart

You can launch any of the above commands with the --watch or -w option, which will cause pulp to run indefinitely, watching your src and test folders for changes, and re-running the command whenever something changes.


Copyright 2014 Bodil Stokke

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

See the LICENSE file for further details.


A build system and package manager for PureScript projects

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%