matthewmueller / prisma-metrics-sample

Sample Metrics and Prisma Application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prisma Metrics and Tracing sample application

This application provides a basic setup to try out metrics and tracing in Prisma. The application is a small webserver that has two endpoints.

  • / - the default runs a query to create a user and a post. - Then a query to get all users.

  • /many - an endpoint that runs lots of adhoc queries with most of them in nested spans to give an overview of what that would look like


To get this running, run:

docker compose up -d

This creats a postgresdb, graphite for statsd, Prometheus, Jaeger for tracing and Grafana.

Migrate the db:

npx prisma migrate dev

Then seed the database:

node seed.js

At this point you can run the server:

npm run dev

In another terminal run:

ab -v 4 -c 10  -t 320 http://localhost:4000/

This will generate some activity. Stats will be sent to Statsd and Prometheus will scrape the /metrics endpoint.

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view grafana. You might need to login user/password: admin/admin. Then click on the dashboard. There should be a Statsd and a Prometheus dashboard that you can navigate to and view the metrics.


Navigate to http://localhost:16686 to view the traces being generated. Select on the dropdown prisma-sample-app and click find traces to view all of them. Clicking on them will give you a detailed view of each trace


Sample Metrics and Prisma Application

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 92.5%Language:JavaScript 7.5%