matthewmueller / dokku-miniflux

Install the Miniflux RSS feed reader on Dokku

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This tutorial describes how to install the Miniflux RSS feed reader on your Dokku installation.


This requires a working installation of Dokku, the Postgres plugin for Dokku dokku-postgres and the dokku-letsencrypt plugin.


Run these commands on your Dokku server.

Prepare Dokku

Setup application and database.

# Create application and database
dokku apps:create miniflux
# Keep the Postgres DSN output for the Miniflux configuration settings later
dokku postgres:create miniflux
dokku postgres:link miniflux miniflux

# Get latest Miniflux image and create Docker tag
docker image pull miniflux/miniflux:latest
docker image tag miniflux/miniflux:latest dokku/miniflux:latest

Configure Dokku application settings

# Set the DATABASE_URL from the previous DSN `dokku postgres:create miniflux` output
# dokku config:set miniflux DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:5c16cb123123cc@dokku-postgres-miniflux:5432/miniflux
dokku config:set miniflux RUN_MIGRATIONS=1
dokku config:set miniflux CREATE_ADMIN=1
# Configure your custom username here
dokku config:set miniflux ADMIN_USERNAME=<SET_YOUR_USERNAME>
# Configure your custom password here
dokku config:set miniflux ADMIN_PASSWORD=<SET_YOUR_USERNAME>

Configure Dokku port settings

dokku proxy:ports-set miniflux http:80:8080


dokku tags:deploy miniflux latest

You should be now able to open your Miniflux app via: (check dokku output).
If it didn't succeed, check dokku logs miniflux.

Configure letsencrypt

dokku letsencrypt miniflux

Now Miniflux should be reachable via If that's not the case, check the letsencrypt plugin output.


Install the Miniflux RSS feed reader on Dokku