matthewly / mp1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Starter files for MP1

Use the following commands in your vagrant development environment to get this up and running

git clone
cd mp1_starter
npm install
bower install
grunt compass
grunt uglify
grunt serve
(the last three steps can be done together by just saying "grunt")

For MP1, you should edit the following:

  • public/index.html - this html file is served by default. You are going to change this for your MP.
  • source_sass folder - all sass files here will be compiled to public/css/styles.css
  • js folder - all javascript files here will be uglified and put in public/js/script.js
  • public/media - all your media files (images, videos, GIFs etc. ) go here. Use relative path to access these from your HTML files.

Do not edit anything under the public\css and public\js folders. All things there are auto-generated and any changes you make there will get overwritten by Grunt.



Language:HTML 41.9%Language:CSS 29.5%Language:JavaScript 27.2%Language:Ruby 1.3%