matthew1001 / sample.logmet.collector

Sample kibana dashboards for the customers to download and use to exploit the logmetCollector-1.0 feature in Liberty.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Instructions to upload a new Kibana 4 dashboard / update an existing one:

  1. Export all the dashboards, visualizations, and searches that you would like to make available into a set of three json files.
  2. Replace every instance of the space ID in each json with "SPACE_ID_PLACE_HOLDER". For example, rename: "4f33a37d-80be-487c-9bf8-2dbde1248bd9_Liberty-Memory-K4-20161204-experimental" to "SPACE_ID_PLACE_HOLDER_Liberty-Memory-K4-20161204-experimental"
  3. Rename the json files to <product>-kibana4-dashboards.json, <product>-kibana4-visualizations.json, and <product>-kibana4-searches.json as appropriate.
  4. If uploading a new Kibana 4 dashboard, create a folder with the name of the product and place the dashboards, visualizations, and searches json files in that folder. Or if updating an existing dashboard, simply replace the three existing json files. Note: the folder name and <product> must be exactly the same. For instance, the "twas-kibana4-visualizations.json" file should be placed in the "twas" folder.
  5. Submit a pull request.

When updating existing dashboards, searches, or visualizations:

You must rename the "_id" and the "title" for each dashboard, search, or visualization you modify. This insures that any previously published dashboards, searches, or visualizations will not be overwritten.


Sample kibana dashboards for the customers to download and use to exploit the logmetCollector-1.0 feature in Liberty.

License:Apache License 2.0