matthew-ia / prolo-systems

A prototype business management tool to help keep track of property declarations for taxes. Check out the demo:

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ProLo Systems – Property Management Tool

A prototype of a business management tool to help keep track of property declarations for taxes.

Created for CS 3440 – Client Side Web Programming, Marathon Assignment

Authors: Matthew Alicea, Braxton Coats, Maximilian Finnican, & Guillaume Gutkin Nicolas

Team: The Boys that are Back in Town (BoBaT)

Assignment Specs

Every business owner must every year file a document declaring all equipment, furniture. The form requires a brief description for some item (or group of items) along with the data purchased and cost. When an item is no longer in use, it must be declared as “deleted” from use. When items are purchased in the last year, they are listed as “additions”.

Your task is to produce a website that after entry for one year allows a business owner to reuse the data in the next year (and subsequent years). The site in real life would print the form; however, that is beyond the scope of this project. Also, a real project would store the data in a small server-side database; however, we will simply store the data in localStorage. (You will learn about that later in the semester.) We are not graphic designers; however, you should produce a site that is “clean”, readable, understandable, and usable for an average business owner or clerical person.

The Project will be divided into several phases (laps) with deadlines as stated in the following table. (Dates Due are all midnight on the date given.)

  • Design: An on-paper design laying out a wireframe and organization for your site. 10/27/2017 (10 pts)
  • Html: Html coded site 11/7/2017 (25 pts)
  • Styling: Complete css 11/16/2017 (25 pts)
  • Functionality Adding javascript and jQuery behaviors 11/28/2017 (25 pts)
  • Finishing Touches Completed website 12/6/2017 (15 pts)


We want to make this

Main Features

  • List of previous reports

    • ability to create new from previous
    • ability to create new from scratch
    • ability to edit previous (or continue editing)
  • Fill out a form

    • auto-fill previous years' entries if creating from previous
    • different sections for each schedule
    • sticky nav to jump to the different sections
  • Review form

    • should also be able to create new from when you're reviewing a previous report

Supplementary Features

  • Dashboard (with overview statistics based on previous reports)
  • Account/Login
  • Generate a printable, filled-out form (maybe pandoc?)



Client runs the javascript function to get locally stored object data if it exists. Has an array of Report objects.

A Report contains multiple sections, and the following variables:

  • name : name of report
  • id : id # for report
  • sections : array of Section objects

A Section contains multiple items.

Each report will have these 5 sections:

  • General (enter name, address, etc.)
  • Personal Property
  • Vehicles
  • Other and Supplies
  • Affirmation (sign and submit)

An Item corresponds to a single entry or row in a section. Each section type will have a different item type. For example, the Personal Property section will have an item that holds the user input for: year acquired, item(s) name, group, status, value, and cost. An Other and Supplies section would have an item with just the year acquired, name, and cost.


Check out mockups in /resources. For the sake of showing how input works on the "create" mockup, each section starts with one row (item) already there, but we should make it start empty with the form header/labels and add button. Empty sections should essentially be ignored when checking if any fields are empty. Only sections you can't omit are the general and affirmation sections.


Writing the Code
Reports, sections, and items should be implemented with constructors. This will enhance code readability and organization.

A call to a specific value in an Item could be as simple as Report.sections[i].items[j].value, where sections is an array of Section objects, and items is an array of Item objects.

An example structure for a report could be written as follows:

// Declare/Define Section object and its Item array, methods
function GeneralSection() {

    // Each section defines its own Item type
    function Item(reportName, id, ownerName, address) {
        this.reportName = reportName; = id;
        this.ownerName = ownerName;
        this.address = address;

    function addItem(reportName, id, ownerName, address) {
        if (items.length = 0) { // if array is empty, create first item
            item[0] = new Item(reportName, id, ownerName, address);
        } else { // push new item onto array
            let item = new Item(reportName, id, ownerName, address);


// ...
// rest of Section objects
// All of them need an items array, decl./def. of an Item object, and addItem(...)

// Declare/Define Report object and its variables, methods
function Report(name, id) {
    this.reportName = name; = id;
    // initialize Report object with an array of Section objects
    this.initReport = function() {
        // Create 5 sections, corresponding on General, Personal Prop., etc.
        this.general = new GeneralSection(0);
        this.personal = new PersonalSection(1);
        // ...
        // Other setup stuff
        // Note general needs only one item object (0),
        // because it only has one set of inputs
        // (affirmation should probably be the same)
        general.items[0].reportName = reportName;
        general.items[0].id = id;

var report = new Report("Ray's Weather", 1);

// when user inputs data, save it to the item variables
report.general.item[0].reportName = ...;
report.personal.item[0].yearAcq = ...;

Project Directory Organization

We should try to modularize our code as best we can, at least separate the declarations and definitions of Report/Section/Item in one file, from the client file that runs it all, gets user input, etc.

Example file structure:

|-- src
|   |-- css
|   |   `-- style.css
|   |-- js
|   |   |-- client.js
|   |   `-- report.js
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- other.html
|-- resources
|   |-- somefile.txt
|   |-- mockup.png
|   `-- mockup2.png

Exporting src only will contain everything needed just to run site, while the others files/folders have extra stuff for developing and managing the project.


if we use any resources to help us, list them and their links here (i.e. plugin, API, a guide that helps us do something very specific)


A prototype business management tool to help keep track of property declarations for taxes. Check out the demo:


Language:JavaScript 68.9%Language:CSS 15.7%Language:HTML 15.4%