mattgillard / threat-modelling-serverless-api-sample

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS SAM Demo for my Serverless Threat Modelling talk

Previous work

This repo began life from here:

It has been refactored and made more modular for my purposes. This is experimental code and not designed for production use.

⚠️ This code sample is provided AS-IS and use this code at your own risk.


This repo was designed as a quick demo on how to encrypt personal information using KMS and secrets manager on AWS.

  • All encryption is done with a separate key for each new record (user) created.
  • The user service (POST and GET) can encrypt and decrypt the users address that they supply.
  • The passport service can decrypt only the passport field.
  • If the user key is deleted - no encrypted records can be decrypted.

How to deploy to AWS



  1. Make sure you have an active AWS developer profile or role. When you deploy resources will be deployed to your account that will cost $$. Not much $$ but just be aware.
  2. First time, run make init and answer the SAM deployment questions (defaults are fine)
  3. For subsequent deployments a make deploy will be all you need.


Testing is manual (TODO: automated testing!).

The deployed API Gateway URL is output post deployment.

Create a new record:

curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"Mr Magoo","address":"1 Special Court", "passport":"PA12345"}' | jq
  "id": "5f0d79cc-6759-4ee8-9585-b5bd6d2efd3f",
  "name": "Mr Magoo",
  "address": "AQICAHis0XB5UoLmQQUKu10hsNPMMnuqV8GH0sUJs1T/tkX9YgHUJh1fYj7CSdxxyy09LHURAAAAijCBhwYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoHoweAIBADBzBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDG90LL7u44QpLkFkawIBEIBGaNuVDkYr+4+dEt8trZNxL3p0Dwk0l2H819FCVQ2fTYHQ2ntBGQWakfJhURjlQInmz89RdwRt4SRC08jZKCipC1eCXWaJiw",
  "status": false,
  "passport": "AQICAHjE4hKKqhO5lU44Hq+uIJee5elvxi+7sbsyqPd1afRcBQHvW2rapYsRGdQa4Zyi+3o9AAAAgTB/BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagcjBwAgEAMGsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMv83Q6iS8DQWymh5UAgEQgD6O3xKh+LzGoKPQro9Px7v4U5M+CAzZuXn1DyAxVqVugYKQcE8GtU6/l5JuIi75W+QzDXn9wFLLb9xzgAZnjg"

Review a record (only address field is decrypted):

curl -s -X GET | jq
  "id": "5f0d79cc-6759-4ee8-9585-b5bd6d2efd3f",
  "name": "Mr Magoo",
  "address": "1 Special Court",
  "status": false,
  "passport": "AQICAHjE4hKKqhO5lU44Hq+uIJee5elvxi+7sbsyqPd1afRcBQHvW2rapYsRGdQa4Zyi+3o9AAAAgTB/BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagcjBwAgEAMGsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMv83Q6iS8DQWymh5UAgEQgD6O3xKh+LzGoKPQro9Px7v4U5M+CAzZuXn1DyAxVqVugYKQcE8GtU6/l5JuIi75W+QzDXn9wFLLb9xzgAZnjg"

Review a record and decrypt passport field via the passport service:

curl -s -X GET |jq
  "id": "5f0d79cc-6759-4ee8-9585-b5bd6d2efd3f",
  "name": "Mr Magoo",
  "address": "AQICAHis0XB5UoLmQQUKu10hsNPMMnuqV8GH0sUJs1T/tkX9YgHUJh1fYj7CSdxxyy09LHURAAAAijCBhwYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoHoweAIBADBzBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDG90LL7u44QpLkFkawIBEIBGaNuVDkYr+4+dEt8trZNxL3p0Dwk0l2H819FCVQ2fTYHQ2ntBGQWakfJhURjlQInmz89RdwRt4SRC08jZKCipC1eCXWaJiw",
  "status": false,
  "passport": "PA12345"


License:MIT License


Language:Go 95.4%Language:Makefile 4.6%