mattaylor / jsref

Fast and flexible, lightweight (<1kb min) JSON-REF resolver with support for json pointer, remote and custom URI dreferencing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Fast, flexible and Tiny (>1kb min) json reference resolver with support for json pointers, external refernences, custom resolvers and path or key based filters.


On NodeJS

$ npm install jsref --save

var jsref = require('jsref')

var inp = { k1: 'v1', k2: { $ref: '#k1' } }
var res = jsref(inp, { lazy:true } )

In Browser

<script src=""></script>
  var inp = { k1: 'v1', k2: { $ref: '#k1' } }
  var res = jsref(inp, { lazy:true } )

NOTE: local references must be prefixed by #. Old style JSON schema references eg { $ref: 'string' } will be resolved as remote url paths


Param Descrption Default
root Url host and path prefix to prepend remote references http://localhost/
refs Object to use to store shared references {}
keys Array of object keys to expand (if defined), otherwise expand all keys null
deep Recursively de-reference remote references false
frag JSON Pointer Fragment identifier to extract from external results null
find Function that takes a remote reference and returns a promise of the result http fetch and extract json
$ref Property name used to identify reference values $ref
lazy Return immediately using promises only where necessary for external reference, (otherwise return as promise to fully resolved object) false
http HTTP options to pass to fetch when resolving remote references null
path Regexp pattern that must against refs paths (if defined) to restric resolution null


No Options

var jsref = require('jsref')

var ob1 = {
  foo: { id: 'foobar', value: 'bar' },
  new: { $ref: '#/foo/id'    },
  dot: { $ref: '' },
  fot: { $ref: "" },
  bar: { $ref: "" }

jsref(ob1).catch(console.log).then(res => { /* do something */ })

With Options

var jsref = require('jsref')

var ob2 = {
  a: [ { $ref: 'topic/topic1'}, { $ref: '#c.a' } ], 
  b: { $ref: 'topic/topic1' }, 
  c: { a: 'hello', b: { $ref: '#a.0' }  }

var opts = { 
  root: '', 
  deep: true,
  keys: ['a']
  path: 'topic',
  refs: { 'realm/1': { name: 'realm1' } },
  frag: 'result._source'

jsref(ob2, opts).catch(console.log).then(res => { /* do something */ })

Custom Find

var search = require('elasticsearch')
var client = new search.Client({host: 'localhost:9200'})
var jsref  = require('jsref')

var ob2 = {
  a: [ { $ref: 'topic/topic1'}, { $ref: '#c.a' } ], 
  b: { $ref: 'topic/topic1' },
  c: { a: 'hello', b: { $ref: '#a.0' }  }

var opts = { 
  deep: true,
  find: (url) => {
    var [type, id] = url.split('/')
    return client.get({index:'myIndex', type: type, id: id})

jsref(ob2, opts).catch(console.log).then(res => { /* do something */ })


Fast and flexible, lightweight (<1kb min) JSON-REF resolver with support for json pointer, remote and custom URI dreferencing

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%