matt-welch / POX_Firewall

Firewall controller module for POX OpenFlow controller

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Team 5 - Ben Boren, Erin Lanus, Matt Welch implements firewall-like functionality for POX. The code uses (Copyright 2012 James McCauley) as a skeleton. When a switch connects to the controller, the component initializes the connection to the switch as well as adding low-priority flow entries to allow certain types of packets to pass through (i.e. ICMP, IP, ARP), but block all TCP packets that are not specified by a rule in the firewall configuration file. It pushes medium priority flow entries for rules from the configuration file. When it receives a packet, it checks the configuration rules to ensure that there is a match, then pushes symmetric flow entries from the packet specifics. If there is not a match, it pushes a flow entry with null action, so the switch will drop packets from that flow.


Open a terminal and launch mininet with the tested topology:

$ sudo mn --custom ~/path/to/ --topo mytopo --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote

Run the IP configuration script inside mininet to set up IP addresses of hosts

mininet> py execfile("/path/to/")

Open another terminal, navigate to the pox directory and launch the POX controller with the Firewall module:

$ ./ log.level --DEBUG misc.Firewall --configuration="/path/to/mininet_firewall.config"

Once mininet has launched and the firewall is running, you can test the connectivity. In mininet, launch an xterm for hosts:

mininet> xterm host9
mininet> xterm host1

Open an xterm for the switch so that the flows can be observed:

mininet> xterm s3

In the switch, set up a watch on the flow list with a 1 second interval

root@mininet:~# watch -n 1 sudo ovx-ofctl dump-flows s3

In this example, host9 will open an xterm window and will have the IP address of Host1 will open with IP address Note, these hosts were chosen because they match a firewall rule in mininet_firewall.config.

Set up a netcat listener on host9 at port 6666

root@mininet:~# nc -l 6666

From Host1, connect to the netcat listener at host9, port 6666

root@mininet:~# nc 6666

You should see flows added to the flow list on the switch output and status messages in the controller.

Design Methodology

The design of the firewall can be summarized as follows. The controller proactively loads a set of rules onto the switch to act as a primary filter on incoming packets. Only packets matching rules on the switch are then forwarded to the controller which installs bidirectional flows on the switch to enable that traffic. This design requires the switch to handle the majority of traffic as it should and only send data to the controller as necessary. This should allow the controller to scale to control a larger number of switches and the corresponding increase in new flows.

Detailed Algorithm Description

  1. On startup, the controller reads the configuration rules specified on the command line into memory and listens for a switch to connect on the default port 6633.

  2. Once a switch has connected, the controller loads rules onto the switch to allow ICMP and ARP packets to pass through unimpeded. It also installs rules that instruct the switch to forward packets matching the configuration file rules to the controller for further consideration. These rules should be of the form:

    [ / ] [ / ]

where any of the IP or port fields may be replaced with the wildcard 'any' and all fields are separated by a single space. The configuration file is further detailed in The final rule installed to the switch on the initial phase instructs the switch to drop all TCP packets that do not match the previous rules. These are specified by a rule with no action. Before the rules are sent to the switch, they are further conditioned so that any rule that contains a non-zero host IP and subnet mask in CIDR notation is stripped of the subnet mask and sent as a source IP only. This is because POX expects only a host IP without netmask or network IP address with netmask and will cause an exception if a rule is set with an IP address containing a non- zero host IP and netmask. The choice when reading these rules is thus to drop the host portion of the IP address or drop the netmask. It was decided that masking off the host portion in favor of keeping the netmask would result in a more general rule than was intended which is in conflict with the principles of a secure firewall. If the subnet rule is desired, it should be specified as a network address only with a host address of zero.

  1. After the proactive rule set has been sent to the switch, the switch waits for incoming connections that match its rule set and forwards those matching packets to the controller as appropriate.

  2. When the controller receives encapsulated packets from the switch, these packets are compared against the rule set for debugging purposes. These packets should be allowed flows since they have already made it past the primary filtering by the switch. Packets are matched with a configuration rule and a bidirectional (symmetric) pair of flows is installed to allow TCP traffic between the originating source host and its intended destination host. The encapsulated packet representing the flow is also returned to the switch for forwarding to its intended destination. If the encapsulated packet does not match the rule set, it is dropped.


Firewall controller module for POX OpenFlow controller


Language:Python 100.0%