matsubo / ttsttb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TTS, TTB, TTM library

Gem Version Gem Maintainability Test Coverage

TTS and TTB value of Forex is provided by MUFG. Major information provider of TTS and TTB is MUFG in Japan but the data is not provided by commonly used data format like CSV and JSON to handle by program for ease.

I created Ruby gem to get the TTS and TTB corresponding to the passed date. You can get hash of currency code key and value of TTS and TTB.


Add by bundler

$ bundle add ttsttb

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ttsttb


% bundle exec irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'pp'
irb(main):001:0> require 'date'
irb(main):003:0> pp Ttsttb.find(, 3, 7))['USD']['tts']
irb(main):004:0> pp Ttsttb.find(, 3, 1))
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"US Dollar", "ja"=>"米ドル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Euro", "ja"=>"ユーロ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Canadian Dollar", "ja"=>"カナダ・ドル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Pound Sterling", "ja"=>"英ポンド"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Swiss Franc", "ja"=>"スイス・フラン"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Danish Krone", "ja"=>"デンマーク・クローネ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Norwegian Krone", "ja"=>"ノルウェー・クローネ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Swedish Krona", "ja"=>"スウェーデン・クローネ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Australian Dollar", "ja"=>"オーストラリア・ドル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"New Zealand Dollar", "ja"=>"ニュージーランド・ドル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Hong Kong Dollar", "ja"=>"香港ドル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Malaysian Ringgit", "ja"=>"マレーシア・リンギット"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Singapore Dollar", "ja"=>"シンガポール・ドル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Saudi Riyal", "ja"=>"サウジ・リアル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"UAE Dirham", "ja"=>"UAEディルハム"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Yuan Renminbi", "ja"=>"**・人民元"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Baht", "ja"=>"タイ・バーツ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Indian Rupee", "ja"=>"インド・ルピー"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Pakistan Rupee", "ja"=>"パキスタン・ルピー"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Kuwaiti Dinar", "ja"=>"クウェート・ディナール"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Qatari Rial", "ja"=>"カタール・リヤル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Indonesia Rupiah", "ja"=>"インドネシア・ルピア"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Mexican Peso", "ja"=>"メキシコ・ペソ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Won", "ja"=>"韓国ウォン"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Philippine Peso", "ja"=>"フィリピン・ペソ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Rand", "ja"=>"南アフリカ・ランド"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Czech Koruna", "ja"=>"チェコ・コルナ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Russian Ruble", "ja"=>"ロシア・ルーブル"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Hungarian Forint", "ja"=>"ハンガリー・フォリント"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Polish Zloty", "ja"=>"ポーランド・ズロチ"},
  {"currency"=>{"en"=>"Turkish Lira", "ja"=>"トルコ・リラ"},


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


% bundle exec rspec

Publis a new version

Create a tag to be released and push to the github reopsitory. Github actions workflow proceeds ruby gem publish process.

% git switch master
% vim lib/ttsttb/version.rb
% git commit lib/ttsttb/version.rb -m 'bump version'
% git tag <v0.0.0>
% git push --tags


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 98.8%Language:Shell 1.2%