matmello / react-server-rendered

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Server Side Rendering with Create React App

I wanted to add server side rendering to create react app, especially after I added an api server side, based on:

With Server Side Rendering, we want to render some basic pages, I don’t want to mess around with authenticating users or complex conditionals because I usually handle that in the Single Page App (SPA) way on the client side. This pretty much means I want to render raw html and nothing else, leave the html the way it was, but with the react ‘root’ element filled in with the route information

Included: redux, react-router

Warning: uses react-router 3, v4 just dropped, it breaks everything its kinda annoying

Server-Side Rendering

The basic requirement of SSR is to handle user requests when they first land on our site. It also facilitates SEO services for a website. Compared to Client-Side Rendering it is slow as it renders once the complete requested HTML is received.


Using Redux with SSR is a good choice but it requires your app's state to be sent with the response. This respopnse further is used by the client as the initial state. This is required to keep the sync between client and server as when the client needs to render the data, it needs to follow the same markup as the server else a fresh data load is required again.

Steps to pass data down to the client on SSR

  • On every request an intance to a new Redux Store is created which possibly contains some actions to be dispatched.
  • After this the state is pulled out from the store and passed down to the client for further actions.

Hence, Redux in SSR only provides a state to our App, known as the initial state.

React-Router Config

In this example the App gets its config from react-router which contains the address of the pages to traverse once they are clicked.


import React from 'react'
import { Router, Route, IndexRoute, browserHistory } from 'react-router'

import App from './containers/App'
import FirstPage from './containers/FirstPage'
import SecondPage from './containers/SecondPage'
import NoMatch from './components/NoMatch'

const Routes = props => {
  return (
    <Router history={browserHistory}>
      <Route path="/" component={App}>
        <IndexRoute component={FirstPage}/>
        <Route path="second" component={SecondPage}/>
        <Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>

export default Routes

UI pages

  • First Page
  • Second Page

First Page

class FirstPage extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className='bold'>
          First Page
        <p>{'Email: ' +}</p>
        <Link to={'/second'}>Second</Link>

Second Page

class SecondPage extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className='bold'>
          Second Page
        <Link to={'/'}>First</Link>

Setting Up

clone the repo either using SSH key or HTTPS

-   git clone [optional folder name]

-   git clone [optional folder name]


# Why aren't you using yarn already?
npm i -g yarn
yarn run build or yarn build
yarn run start:server or yarn start:server

Note - run is not mandatory



Language:JavaScript 95.6%Language:HTML 3.4%Language:CSS 1.0%