matlab379 / UArmForROS

uArm library for Robot Operating System(ROS) including RViz Visualization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the uarm ROS package designed by Joey Song ( /


1.1 Pre-Requirements

For using this package, the pyUarm library SHOULD be installed first.

Make sure your uarm has been calibrated in THIS WAY. Otherwise servos may be BURNED !!!

1.2 Package Download and Install

Install ros package in your src folder of your Catkin workspace.

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make

2. Source FIles

Before you use any packages in uarmForROS, source all setup.bash file which allow you access to uarm package

# if you are using indigo version of ROS
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
# use jade version
source /opt/ros/jade/setup.bash
# source setup.bash when you open new terminal
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

3.Package Modules

3.1 Nodes

  • is the main node. Run this node before anything else. This node has two main modes: Control-Mode and Monitor-Mode. Control-Mode is used to control uarm directly in this node. Monitor-mode is to subscrib/listen to all topics which can be used to control uarm through these nodes. This node will automatically load Control-Mode first.

    Step 1: Connect Uarm

    First Connect Uarm before use

    rosrun uarm connect  //this will automatically find uarm

    Step 2: Control-Mode

    Once connect uarm, you can use commands to control. Input h to see all the commands

    # For example: attach uarm (use at in short for attach)
    Input Commands (Input h to see all commands):  attach # or at
    # For example: read current x,y,z (use cc in short for currentCoords)
    Input Commands (Input h to see all commands):  currentCoords # or cc
    # For example: move uarm x,y,z (use mt in short for moveTo)
    Input Commands (Input h to see all commands):  moveTo 12 -12 12

    Input e to exit control-mode and get into Monitor mode

    Step 3: Monitor-Mode

    If you get the information as below, you can use both Topics-Pub and other ROS Nodes to control uarm through ROS.

    Begin monitor mode - listening to all fucntional topics
             Use rqt_graph to check the connection         
  • is the node which can control the attach-status or detach-status of uarm.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # attach uarm
    rosrun uarm attach
    # detach uarm
    rosrun uarm detach
  • is the node which can control the pump on or off.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # pump on
    rosrun uarm on
    # pump off
    rosrun uarm off
  • is the node which will report current angles.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # report once
    rosrun uarm
    # report 10 times
    rosrun uarm 10
    # report 10 times per 2 time_sec
    rosrun uarm 10 2
  • is the node which will report current coords.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # report once
    rosrun uarm
    # report 10 times
    rosrun uarm 10
    # report 10 times per 2 time_sec
    rosrun uarm 10 2
  • is the node which will report stoppper status.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # report once
    rosrun uarm
    # report 10 times
    rosrun uarm 10
    # report 10 times per 2 time_sec
    rosrun uarm 10 2
  • is the node which will control 4 servo angles.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # write 4 servo angles
    rosrun uarm 90 50 50 10
  • is the node which will move to x,y,z position.

    Use this node in the monitor-mode of node

    # move to x,y,z
    rosrun uarm 12 -12 12
    # move to x,y,z,time (point 12 -12 12 in 2 second)
    rosrun uarm 12 -12 12 2
    # rmove to x,y,z,time,servo_4 angle (servo 4 angle is 54)
    rosrun uarm 112 -12 12 2 54

3.2 Topics

  • uarm_status - control uarm status.
    Message_type: `std_msgs/String`. 
    Data: attach / detach
  • pump_control - control pump on or off.
    Message_type: `std_msgs/UInt8`. 
    Data: 1 / 0
  • pump_str_control - control pump on or off.
    Message_type: `std_msgs/String`. 
    Data: high / low
  • read_coords - report coords. Coords will also be written in parameters
    Message_type: `std_msgs/Int32`. 
    Data: int (read times). 
    Set-param: 'current_x' 'current_y' 'current_z' ('write in ros-parameter and can be invoked')
  • read_angles - report angles. Angles will also be written in parameters
    Message_type: `std_msgs/Int32`.
    Data: int (read times).
    Set-param: 's1' 's2' 's3' 's4' ('will be written in ros_parameter for 4 `servo_angles')
  • stopper_status - report stopper status. Status will also be written in parameters
    Message_type: `std_msgs/Int32`. 
    Data: int (read times). 
    Set-param: 'stopper_status' 
  • write_angles - write 4 servo angles.
    Message_type: uarm/Angles
    Data: int int int int
  • move_to - move to x,y,z position.
    Message_type: uarm/Coords
    Data: float float float
  • move_to_time - move to with time.
    Message_type: uarm/CoordsWithTime
    Data: float float float int
  • move_to_time_s4 - move to with time and servo_4 angle.
    Message_type: uarm/CoordsWithTS4
    Data: float float float int int

3.3 Messages

  • uarm/Angles
    uint8: servo_1
    uint8: servo_2
    uint8: servo_3
    uint8: servo_4
  • uarm/Angles
    float32: x
    float32: y
    float32: z
  • uarm/Angles
    float32: x
    float32: y
    float32: z
    uint8: time
  • uarm/Angles
    float32: x
    float32: y
    float32: z
    uint8: time
    uint8: servo_4

4. Quickstart and Execution

  • a) Source Setup

    source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

  • b) Connect Uarm (same terminal)

    rosrun uarm connect

  • c) Monitor mode (same terminal)

    Input Commands (Input h to see all commands): e

  • d.1) Control through Topics (new terminal)

    rostopic pub /uarm_status std_msgs/String attach

  • d.2) Control through Nodes (new terminal, source first)

    -source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

    -rosrun uarm detach

5. Visualization in RViz

5.1 Functions

  • Visualization -- display.launch: This function will display robot movement in realtime when you manually move uArm
  • Control -- control.launch: This function will allow you control the end-effector movement in 3 DOF along x,y,z axis.

5.2 Launch and Run

-Step 1: In one terminal, connect uarm and set the listen mode as shown above

roscore  #open another tab
rosrun uarm connect  # connect uarm 
e   # transfer to listen mode

-Step 2: Luanch

a) For visualization function, in second termianl, run

roslaunch uarm display.launch


b) For control function, in second termianl, run

roslaunch uarm control.launch


-Step 3: Display: Open rviz to view robot

rosrun rviz rviz  # set Cell Size to 0.1

For both functions, import robot model:

Add  -> RobotModel
set Fixed Frame -> base

a) For visualization function, right now a robot will display in the main window

b) For control function,

Add -> InteractiveMarker
Update Topic -> /uarm_controller/update

Drag 3 pairs of arrows to control uarm along x,y,z axis.


uArm library for Robot Operating System(ROS) including RViz Visualization

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Python 50.6%Language:Arduino 24.1%Language:C 12.7%Language:C++ 11.2%Language:Makefile 1.5%