matkinhig / k8s-config

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Amazon EBS CSI driver

Lỗi này xảy ra khi CSI Driver không được thực thi. Ảnh hưởng tới việc tạo Persistance Volume

Cách giải quyết : Amazon EBS CSI driver => cái này cũng chính là NFS trong kubernetes

Create EKS Cluster & Node Groups

Step-00: Introduction

  • Understand about EKS Core Objects
    • Control Plane
    • Worker Nodes & Node Groups
    • Fargate Profiles
    • VPC
  • Create EKS Cluster
  • Associate EKS Cluster to IAM OIDC Provider
  • Create EKS Node Groups
  • Verify Cluster, Node Groups, EC2 Instances, IAM Policies and Node Groups

Step-01: Create EKS Cluster using eksctl

  • It will take 15 to 20 minutes to create the Cluster Control Plane
# Create Cluster
eksctl create cluster --name=sgfintech \
                      --region=ap-southeast-1 \
                      --zones=ap-southeast-1a,ap-southeast-1b \

# Get List of clusters
eksctl get clusters                  

Step-02: Create & Associate IAM OIDC Provider for our EKS Cluster

  • To enable and use AWS IAM roles for Kubernetes service accounts on our EKS cluster, we must create & associate OIDC identity provider.
  • To do so using eksctl we can use the below command.
  • Use latest eksctl version (as on today the latest version is 0.21.0)
# Template
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \
    --region region-code \
    --cluster <cluter-name> \

# Replace with region & cluster name
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \
    --region ap-southeast-1 \
    --cluster sgfintech-dev \

Step-03: Create EC2 Keypair

  • Create a new EC2 Keypair with name as matkinhig-services-keypair
  • This keypair we will use it when creating the EKS NodeGroup.
  • This will help us to login to the EKS Worker Nodes using Terminal.

Step-04: Create Node Group with additional Add-Ons in Public Subnets

  • These add-ons will create the respective IAM policies for us automatically within our Node Group role.
# Create Public Node Group   
eksctl create nodegroup --cluster=sgfintech-dev \
                       --region=ap-southeast-1 \
                       --name=sgfintech-nodegroup-public \
                       --node-type=t2.micro \
                       --nodes=1 \
                       --nodes-min=1 \
                       --nodes-max=2 \
                       --node-volume-size=100 \
                       --ssh-access \
                       --ssh-public-key=matkinhig-services-keypair \
                       --managed \
                       --asg-access \
                       --external-dns-access \
                       --full-ecr-access \
                       --appmesh-access \

If edit amount of nodes :

eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster=sgfintech-bnpl \
                    --nodes=1 \
                    --name=sgfintech--nodegroup-public1 \

If delete nodegroup :

eksctl delete nodegroup --cluster=sgfintech-dev --name=sgfintech-nodegroup-public1 --disable-eviction

Step-05: Verify Cluster & Nodes

Verify NodeGroup subnets to confirm EC2 Instances are in Public Subnet

  • Verify the node group subnet to ensure it created in public subnets
    • Go to Services -> EKS -> sgfintech-bnpl -> sgfintech--nodegroup-public1
    • Click on Associated subnet in Details tab
    • Click on Route Table Tab.
    • We should see that internet route via Internet Gateway ( -> igw-xxxxxxxx)

Verify Cluster, NodeGroup in EKS Management Console

  • Go to Services -> Elastic Kubernetes Service -> sgfintech-bnpl

List Worker Nodes

# List EKS clusters
eksctl get cluster

# List NodeGroups in a cluster
eksctl get nodegroup --cluster=sgfintech-dev

# List Nodes in current kubernetes cluster
kubectl get nodes -o wide

# Our kubectl context should be automatically changed to new cluster
kubectl config view --minify

Verify Worker Node IAM Role and list of Policies

  • Go to Services -> EC2 -> Worker Nodes
  • Click on IAM Role associated to EC2 Worker Nodes

Verify Security Group Associated to Worker Nodes

  • Go to Services -> EC2 -> Worker Nodes
  • Click on Security Group associated to EC2 Instance which contains remote in the name.

Verify CloudFormation Stacks

  • Verify Control Plane Stack & Events
  • Verify NodeGroup Stack & Events

Login to Worker Node using Keypai kube-demo

  • Login to worker node
# For MAC or Linux
ssh -i matkinhig-services-keypair.pem ec2-user@<Public-IP-of-Worker-Node>

Step-06: Update Worker Nodes Security Group to allow all traffic

  • We need to allow All Traffic on worker node security group

Additional References

Create Wordpress Application with MYSQL

This app using kutomization manager package and application deploy to Cluster k8s

kubectl apply -k ./

If want delete This App :

kubectl delete -k ./

Create Wordpress Application with Helm

Update repo Helm

helm repo add stable --force-update

Install App :

helm install my-release \                                        
  --set wordpressUsername=admin \
  --set wordpressPassword=password \
  --set mariadb.mariadbRootPassword=secretpassword \

if want use bitnami , need Add repo Bitnami

 helm repo add bitnami --force-update

if you want delete this app

helm uninstall my-release



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%