mathworks / matlab-gitlab-ci-template

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Use MATLAB with GitLab CI/CD

You can use GitLab™ CI/CD to build and test your MATLAB® project as part of your pipeline. For example, you can identify code issues in your project, run your tests and generate test and coverage artifacts, and package your files into a toolbox.

The MATLAB.gitlab-ci.yml template provides you with jobs that show how to run MATLAB statements, tests, and builds. To run MATLAB code and Simulink® models based on this template, you must use the Docker executor to run MATLAB within a container. The MATLAB Container on Docker Hub lets you run your build using MATLAB R2020b or a later release. If your build requires additional toolboxes, use a custom MATLAB container instead. For more information on how to create and use a custom MATLAB container, see Create a Custom MATLAB Container.

Note: In addition to the Docker executor, GitLab Runner implements other types of executors that can be used to run your builds. See Executors for more information.

MATLAB.gitlab-ci.yml Template

You can access the MATLAB.gitlab-ci.yml template when you create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the UI.


The template includes four jobs:

  • command — Run MATLAB scripts, functions, and statements.
  • test — Run tests authored using the MATLAB unit testing framework or Simulink Test™.
  • test_artifacts — Run MATLAB and Simulink tests, and generate test and coverage artifacts.
  • build — Run a build using the MATLAB build tool.

The jobs in the template use the matlab -batch syntax to start MATLAB. Additionally, they incorporate the contents of a hidden .matlab_defaults job. You need to configure this job before running the command, test, test_artifacts, and build jobs. To configure the job:

  • Specify the name of the MATLAB container image you want to use.
  • Set the MLM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable using the port number and DNS address for your network license manager.
    name: mathworks/matlab:latest  # Replace the value with the name of the MATLAB container image you want to use
    entrypoint: [""]
    MLM_LICENSE_FILE: 27000@MyLicenseServer  # Replace the value with the port number and DNS address for your network license manager


Each of these examples shows how to specify the contents of a job in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Run a Script

Run the commands in a file named myscript.m in the root of your repository.

   extends: .matlab_defaults
   script: matlab -batch "myscript"

Run Tests

Run the tests in your MATLAB project and fail the build if any of the tests fail.

  extends: .matlab_defaults
  script: matlab -batch "results = runtests('IncludeSubfolders',true), assertSuccess(results);"

Run Tests and Generate Artifacts

Run the tests in your MATLAB project, and produce test results in JUnit-style XML format and code coverage results in Cobertura XML format. Fail the build if any of the tests fail.

  extends: .matlab_defaults
  script: |
    cat <<- 'BLOCK' > runAllTests.m
          import matlab.unittest.TestRunner
          import matlab.unittest.Verbosity
          import matlab.unittest.plugins.CodeCoveragePlugin
          import matlab.unittest.plugins.XMLPlugin
          import matlab.unittest.plugins.codecoverage.CoberturaFormat
          suite = testsuite(pwd,'IncludeSubfolders',true);
          [~,~] = mkdir('artifacts')
          runner = TestRunner.withTextOutput('OutputDetail',Verbosity.Detailed);
          % Replace `pwd` with the location of the folder containing source code
          runner.addPlugin(CodeCoveragePlugin.forFolder(pwd,'IncludingSubfolders',true, ...
          results =
    matlab -batch runAllTests
      junit: "./artifacts/results.xml"
        coverage_format: cobertura
        path: "./artifacts/cobertura.xml"
      - "./artifacts"

Run MATLAB Build

Use the MATLAB build tool to run the default tasks in a file named buildfile.m located in the root of your repository, as well as all the tasks on which they depend.

   extends: .matlab_defaults
   script: matlab -batch "buildtool"

See Also

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