mathiasverraes / dev-human

dev-human main repo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


dev-human is a collaborative blog created by developers, for developers, focused on non-technical, lightening content. Visit the website to get more info: .

Powered by Sculpin.


If you want to contribute with articles, please read the relevant section in our website: Contributing to dev-human.

If you want to run the website locally to preview your post, of if you want to contribute with code and new features, check the following section on how to install Sculpin.


If You Already Have Sculpin

sculpin install
sculpin generate --watch --server

Your newly generated clone of sculpin-blog-skeleton is now accessible at http://localhost:8000/.

If You Need Sculpin

curl -O
php sculpin.phar install
php sculpin.phar generate --watch --server


dev-human main repo