mathias77515 / CMM-Pipeline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Components Map-Making

Repository that contain End-2-End pipeline for components reconstruction directly from Time-Ordered Data (TOD) for QUBIC experiments.


We perform alternate estimation to reconstruct sky pixels, astrophysical description done by spectral indices and systematics (gain detectors only for now). The code is based on parametric description of astrophysical foregrounds but this will evolve in the near futur.

The code is organized as follow :

  • acquisition folder contain tools to perform QUBIC reconstruction
  • cosmo folder contain tools to constrains tensor-to-scalar ratio
  • fgb folder contain tools based on FG-Buster ( to describe astrophysical emissions and compute mixing matrix
  • simtools folder contains useful library to perform simulations
  • solver folder contains conjugate-gradient used in the reconstruction
  • python file allow to run the whole code
  • python file contain the whole description of the pipeline called by


To use the code, you can clone the repository using :

git clone

Be careful that every qubicsoft dependencies are correctly installed. The code can be run locally but much more efficient in Computing Cluster using SLURM system. To send jobs on computing clusters with SLURM system, use the command :


To modify memory requirements, please modify file, especially lines :

  • #SBATCH --partition=your_partition to run on different sub-systems.
  • #SBATCH --nodes=number_of_nodes to split data on different nodes.
  • #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=Number_of_taks to run several MPI tasks.
  • #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=number_of_CPU to ask for several CPU for OpenMP system.
  • #SBATCH --mem=number_of_Giga to ask for memory (in GB, let the letter G at the end i.e 6G)
  • #SBATCH --time=day-hours:minutes:seconds to ask for more execution time.



Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%